The alternative seems to be riding a high horse and making assumptions about someone based on their preference in anime characters.
The alternative seems to be riding a high horse and making assumptions about someone based on their preference in anime characters.
> “the vagina bones”
Ladies and gentlemen.
This is great, everybody should play a Persona. Also, i want to find a new love in this game, to heal my broken heart after Yukiko.
Don’t know if magic can kill him, but yes, Kryptonite still can.
Where? Where do I see it? Please post a direct link, I’m brutally curious.
Yeah. Also the winters are long, for sure. It can look like that at 4:19 PM sometimes too.
You mis-spelt 12.
I dislike Superman Returns and thinks it fails more than it hits but still that scene with him landing the plane is more awesome and gets the character better than any Snyder fight scene has.
I still say Returns got the shaft. First of all, 76% RT score. That ain’t bad. It played it a little too safe and definitely made some mistakes, but overall it’s a solid movie with a good cast and the kind of heart you expect from a Superman film. But OF COURSE comic fans crucified it for not having enough alien…
I also like his “statistically it’s the safest way to travel” line there as well. :)
Most on-point Superman moment in the past ten years was in Superman Returns. Superman saves the plane and then with grace and dignity requests the passengers leave in an orderly fashion. Still, even that movie was paced like a dirge.
If you’ve seen IV, you’ve essentially seen it.
Yeah, I heard that Leon’s chapter was the best and I don’t even remember making it through that. For all it’s flaws, I actually liked most of RE5. It felt a lot like RE4, but there was something seriously off about the whole feel of RE6- starting with those controls.
What’s even stupider is they already have a localization! And it’s not even out on PC in Japan! So WTF! They are doing a PC port just for the west. I don’t get it. JRPG is really the last thing I want to play on PC, makes so much more sense on handheld.
Exactly. Like, I can deal with conservative viewpoints. But looking at an established fact and straight up denying its existence is just... WUT? HOW. There is universal consensus on climate change and global warming. WHAT the FUCK are you on about. How could anyone vote for you. Jesus Christ.
Has there been any insight into why she does so well with African American voters given her spotty history regarding their interests? It seems so bizarre to the point of being baffling.
I thought Black was fucking fantastic. I didn’t realize there were so many people who didn’t dig it
They should remaster Black and release a sequel.
One of the major continuing theme of Batman Beyond is that Bruce eventually alienated everybody he was close to, until Terry, who refused to be rebuffed and continued to challenge him constructively.