
If it's that good, and it's on the Android, then I really hope the Ouya gets it. Emulators make the system entirely worth it, but sometimes I'd like something else to play.

Beauty & The Beast nailed it.

I don't know if I love this or not.

The world seems to be throwing regular reminders at me that the show doesn't exist anymore :(

Also yeah GS suck, I mean they got voted as the worst company of employment for 2 years

Ok, I'm torn on this.

Tell me about it.

It's depressing as hell. Then the kid's mother will typically shout at you for being a scam artist, and all you can really do is agree with her.

My GameStop kept a copy of Battletoads on hand just for those customers who would call up and ask.

Or the know-it-all customer who wishes he worked there, and pesters customers with gaming purchase advice even though nobody asked for it.

It's fun to get scheduled on a shift with that guy. It's really laid back, and he won't go nuts if you fuck up or "forget" to bug customers about preorders.

I saw a kid pull the entire shelf, itself, off the wall.

Or the guy who recognizes that he bought it 10 years ago, but will continue to insist that it's "like new" and that he "never took it out of the box." As if that makes some sort of difference.


Yeah, and where are the dickhead high schoolers who come in and swear that they're over 18 and claim to have just forgot the ID at home? Then they start throwing f-bombs and flipping birds, as if that will somehow make us change our minds and risk our jobs.

It's pretty soul crushing to be the guy who has to break the news to the kid, too.

God forbid a business should make a profit.

Or, y'know- their job depends on it, and they hate pushing it on you just as much as you hate getting pushed.

As a former employee, and a longtime customer before that, I was entirely with you on that comment until the minimum wage thing. I had to deal with the same eye-rolling and "really? this?" when I bought Catherine. But it's also not our fault that we get paid shitty wages.

I've played them all and I've never actually hated any of them, but the last one that I truly loved was Final Fantasy 6. Everything else has just been an ok way to pass the time.