
I let Ben live, and I've been siding against Kenny on about half of the situations. But he still came with me in the end. Am I the only one who doesn't hate either of them? I mean, I can get being a fuck up. And I can get being blindly protective of your family. I'm the same way with Clem. When Vernon offered to take

I don't have time to read this. I have to go return some videotapes.

I'm going to throw my hat on the "didn't read the comic but still hated season 2" pile.

All you needed to tell me was that it's a Pertwee story.

The same thing happened with the PSP. They kept porting all the games that I wanted, so I just had some patience and waited. But the psp game that I wanted most, Crisis Core, never made it to the PS3/PS2.

But I get the sense that that's not how UFO is being used here. And even if that weren't the case, why call it a UFO at all? Especially considering the connotations?

If we're the ones making it then isn't it just "an aircraft" and not "a UFO?"

That sound that you all just heard was me shitting myself from excitement.

I'm in the middle of it. I honestly don't care what her subject matter is, I just love her writing voice. The entire thing is so hilariously mean spirited. I'm digging it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Maybe it wasn't a faint. Maybe they just collapsed from boredom.


I wrote a longer version when Gawker posted their review, so I'll summarize here.

Is anybody really a Frank Miller fan, these days?

This actually swayed me towards wanting to get it.


Series of tubes? More like... series of BOOBS.

She kinda is an incidental prop.

I shouldn't feel old at 24. Some of those were shocking.

Thats ok. I'm Paraguayan and all I can say is "you have a large steak in your pants" and "bathroom potato"

I clicked on this article purely for the picture of breasts.