New Morrison is good Morrison.
New Morrison is good Morrison.
When I saw the first trailer my thought was "this looks really stupid and it makes zero sense already."
I know it's backwards, but I only really play fighting games on my own. I scrolled down and saw the "Not Yet" before reading the article, so to find out that it was mostly referring to the multiplayer is a relief. I can't wait to go pick this up. I've been waiting for DOA on a Sony console for too long, now. I very…
Right there with you, dude.
Well.. this was stupid.
So much New 52 hate. It's getting tiring.
But there are many people who share my feelings. Just as many as those who disagree. And yes, there ARE some very very good episodes during the Tennant run. One of my favorites actually IS an RTD-written episode (Midnight). But they are far outnumbered by the duds.
No, I know. There was nothing in this article to suggest that. It's just that lately in my internet travels, it's seemed as though Doctor Who fans will take any opportunity they can get to post their hate for Smith and Moffat. And I was just sick of it by the time I came to this article (after having just read another…
Yeah, I know that I should know better. As an adult and a frequent movie-goer.
Ah, the Mark Millariest book that Mark Millar's written thus far.
Cue the "we love Tennant and therefore irrationally hate Matt Smith" fans.
Really? Because Tennant's time on the show was goddamned unwatchable.
Thank god. This is exactly the time of year when we're either about to be overloaded with Oscar-bait or awful horror.
Damnit, now that's all I can hear too.
Yeah, I found the X Wing. Already on my way out.
I felt the same way scrolling through this.
I'm still scrolling down it. Came here to see if anyone posted "spoilers" for what I'll find at the bottom (is there a bottom?)
All of this. Word for word. I'm right there with you.
Didn't Hyperdimension Neptunia already cover this?