
I think SH: Downpour has finally hit a justifiable price. For me, anyways.

Suddenly I'm 6, again.

Wow, this brings back memories that are still buried in the blanket chest at the foot of my bed. I used to get $1.50 each week for my allowance, and I'd always spent it on Sonic and Knuckles comics. I only lasted until just after issue 50 of Sonic though. Once Robotnik "died" I lost interest a bit and caught up with

My favorite kind of artwork. How can anyone NOT like a badass fucking winged lion coupled with a candy striped blonde pigtailed nude girl? I want that as a poster.

VVVVVV rocketed straight to the top of my favorite games list, and I'm already addicted to this one and all I've seen is the trailer. Can't wait for it to get on the Mac since I have no iThingy.

I think I'll just watch Slither again, thank you.

Damnit Jeremy! I love you, but you're stealing roles that were made for Nicholas Cage. Give the poor guy a break.

How can Final Fantasy be overrated when everyone hates it now?

You are in for an awful treat.

Well I don't know about the Duck thing then. But yeah, if you loot trunk then Clementine gets it.

You can get it from the car at the end of episode 2 if you choose to loot it. Otherwise, everyone else loots it and (I think) Duck ends up with it.

I don't want add to the inevitable cries of "you forgot my favorite one!" But man, no Inferno? Pertwee at his peak.

None of Joss Whedon's other shows had the massive budget that The Avengers did, and none of them contained Iron Man/Thor/Cap/Hulk. Yet... somehow.... they all worked.

I'm right there with you. I enjoyed The Dark Knight Returns... in high school. Then I got exposed to Miller proper. The Goddamn Batman, indeed. I don't think I've ever hated a writer more (except for maybe Mark Millar).

You sound like exactly the type of customer that makes retail employees want to kill themselves.

+1 ha!

You can't possibly be serious. Please tell me you're not.

Easy solution is just to put him on art direction and let someone else do the heavy lifting. It's why I'm excited for Man of Steel, despite Zack Snyder's track record when it comes to original work. He can handle adaptations just fine, but man.. Sucker Punch should never have made it to theaters. Somebody figured it

I'm just here for Leela.

I posted something similar, elsewhere, regarding movies recently. These days it's as if everything either needs to be absolutely perfect, or else it's absolute shit. People have no tolerance for a middle ground.