SV = Superveloce
SV = Superveloce
This is actually a smart move on her part. The cops can’t grab her because she can file sexual assault. Never a good look to see a cop wrestling with a woman but this ups it considerably by her being naked.
I’d be less worried about Nekkid Nicole and more worried about the militia types deciding that they can get together, rent a Dodge Caravan on the $29.95-a-day Desperation Special from Hertz and act as a “force multiplier” to Trump’s unidentified government goon squads.
Not in Portland. Portland has a very long tradition of political public nudity that has been upheld multiple times in court - for both men and women.
“And thirdly...why?
So, I hear/see this performance art pièce de résistance being framed like this: She’s a white woman, arguably the most privileged of us all, using her privilege to stand up to the authoritarian regime by protecting peaceful protesters.
Burnin up clutches is super fun
Question: Why does anyone prefer using a manual offroad?
I wish they had package pricing. I reserved a base 2 door, and plan on getting the Sasquatch package, but something tells me it’ll be like $10,000 extra. And yes, it will be a manual. I put my money where the internet’s mouth is for new car purchases :)
This narrative of cities getting destroyed has been way overplayed. Peaceful protests far and away outnumbered those at which there was significant damage or violence. And the huge scale and number of peaceful protests was covered by any decent news network.
{Slow wanking motion} sure, ok
Yea, he’s an example of a person who made money and assumed it made him right.
The inability to see systemic racism and to actively defend it makes someone racist.
He called BLM - literally a movement that began as hope that, just maybe, America could assign the same value to Black Lives as they do white ones - a domestic terrorist organization.
Dodge guy is going to leave that yellow sticker on the steering wheel.
This is an area white women need to be honest with themselves about how much you fetishise black men and the BBC thing. It’s gross and you need to call your sisters on it.
Excellent response.
funny how the GOPtards think “Born in the USA” is a patriotic song and use it everywhere.
Bruce Springsteen was great before he was all “factories, jobs, cars,” and shit.