
Oh. I don't get the Birkin obsession. They don't look that attractive to me and they seem bulky and cumbersome. But then I guess the people who carry them probably don't care.

Aren't Birkin bags one of a kind? (If not, why do they cost so much?) I wonder where stolen bags go to be sold without being ID'd by the real owner because it seems like people who own them are rich, photographed, and want to show them off. It's not like stolen art that goes into a collector's private vault. I

She splashed her name and closet filled with valuable possessions all over the media and then didn't lock the door to the closet or set the alarm? Not a terribly smart person/couple, eh? It's kind of hard to feel bad for her.

Cub on, let's be simbathetic to those dogs.

You guyzzz are so mean. He's just a little old man who didn't understand when his grandson told him to pin the foods he liked at the grocery story to help him remember for the next time. Technology is hard for old people to understand. Have some compassion!

I totally would do that too.

My friend just dragged me to one of the most expensive (and overrated) restaurants in town specifically for the salad because she loves it. I don't take food pics or I would share it. She ordered their Greek salad. It was just a plate of lettuce, 2 cherry tomatoes, 2 kalamata olives, a few chick peas, and half an

I didn't know that kind of chocolate chip ice cream had a special name. That's the kind I grew up with, but it was just called chocolate chip. I can't find it anywhere anymore. It's SO much better than the kind with the mini-chips. The closest I've seen is mint chip made like that, but I only like mint chip in

Oh my god. Sorry about the you're instead of your. Too much to drink. It's my birthday.

NO! I haven't seen it yet. I see nothing until it hits Redbox. The Marvel movies now are SO much better. Maybe if it had been made now it wouldn't be so cringeworthy.

I ate the sluttiest piece of chocolate cake tonight.

You're opening made me think of this guy, though he is admittedly cooler, despite the fact that I completely despised him and the 90 minutes or so I wasted on this movie as a child. I don't think child me has ever hated a movie as much as I hate this one. Even thinking of it makes me cringe, but not as much as the

...because it's where the origins of humanity lie within archaeology. Like, it's under the ground; it's in the ocean; it's in these places there's a lot of answers that are there.

FUCK that dude from the bachelorette. Fuck him.

Are we entirely sure that it's not satire? Like in high school when one girl pretends to be nice to the other, but she's actually making fun of her.

If there's not already, there should be a That's Still Racist tumblr or twitter feed, right?

Yikes. If anything I hope that tattoo is a reminder to be more careful about decisions you make while traveling. HIV is also rampant there.

This is the best response so far.