
I learned from another commenter that it's an actual disorder, although I forget what it's called. I have the disorder type, certain mouth noises make me want to murder. I have to remove myself from the situation. The NYC subway and gum chewers is the worst.

The gum is too much! It sounds like a group of leprechauns running through mud, tiny feet slurpy slurpy.

Exactly. I wasn't writing for girls!

Destiny? Really, that's the best name he could pick for himself? Ugh, his wiener pic is awful!

Maybe if you wrote your question in "menz" you'd get a reply. I mean, come on!

What a creep. And, who besides Jason Bourne has 4 passports? http://www.nj.com/jjournal-news/index.ssf/2012/08/bail_set_for_north_bergen_man.html

Obviously her classiness was inherited from her father. Also, I love how TMZ calls stealing the car as "commandeered" like she's in the FBI or something and needs to take over control without permission to save the world. They do say that she took the guys hostage though, which is true, so there's that.

Yes, thank you! Riddle me this batman because this is a common date night for me.

Ok, in defense of possums I have one that frequents my backyard and when she's had babies and is carrying all million of them on her body looking like little drunks hanging on to curtains it is so freaking cute! My dog Blue hates her though so I know that they must be little bastards.


I love the Goog. I recently had to complete this search; define: dirty sanchez.

I've never watched an episode of Jersey Shore! I win!

I feel bad for Rimes. I'm sure deep down she knew there was a high likelihood that her husband would also cheat on her, but during that insane lovey-lovey stage people don't think. And then you go a little crazy and live in a bikini, certain that that will keep his penis from wandering. Everyone makes bad decisions

Like it's literally reaching out of her body begging passers by to help it because it's being held captive and poisoned.

Or you keep on saying the same thing over and over because just as you're saying it someone talks over you and only one person hears you each time and you can't ignore their look of embarrassment for you.

You did say it. Jesus, if you're going to be a heartless bastard at least know how to present it. You don't say..'i didn't say it' and then proceed to say what you're saying you didn't say. Grow a pair of balls at least. I mean, really.

I suspect you are going to have to follow your own advice after making this comment.

Oh nothing, it's just raining on my face. Man I'm sending all of my good luck vibes her way.

I think it can be agreed upon that it is a complicated topic inside of an abortion clinic when the supposed to be aborted fetus' heart is obviously beating and it's chest is moving up and down. Thank you for the explanation on the lungs, that makes sense.

It seems any bill dealing with abortion is an attempt to restrict access. Disgusting.