This was the best episode of SNL ever!!! Swayze and Farley battle it out at a Chippendales audition.
This was the best episode of SNL ever!!! Swayze and Farley battle it out at a Chippendales audition.
Doesn't pulchritude mean beauty? I'm not sure how an abundance of it is translated into sloppily displayed curves. Maybe I'm missing something.
What is up with all of the tongue action?!? Geezus, it's like the thing has a mind of its own.
DDP! It's the best. Period.
Maybe he's auditioning for 'Anger Management 2: More Angrier'.....?
See this is the problem. You are 100% sure of this based on a totally anonymous source credited by a gossip rag site? Alrighty then. My point really speaks to people believing whatever they are spoon fed, and because it's an easy sell to blame it on the woman, people who will believe anything, run with it and that…
Ugh. I just hate that the whole sex tape release scam is always blamed on the woman. We're a bunch of money grabbing sex taping in secret whores, and I'm tired of it. Why would anyone believe this? Also, sort of disgusted that if this were a Jezebel girl crush the fact that no sources are named would be pointed out.
I think it's also very likely making International press because it's a violent crime that is reoccurring in the region. If the loss of tourism dollars is the only factor that will make people give a shit about this fucking problem I will happily cancel my plans to travel to India.
I appreciate your personal view point. For me personally I don't think it's on the shoulders of agnostic observers to put forth an idea of progress for the Catholic Church. These efforts have been in the works for a very very long time and have made zero headway. So, the responsibility lies with Catholics to make…
Cute. I didn't question your judgement. I questioned an anonymous commenter making criticism to copy editing without actually adding any references, or beneficial information, just dick waving.
Only 32 people clean all of Vatican City?
"Those of us who know what we are looking at": which is why you make zero reference to just one of the high number of simple errors. Maybe help educate the populace with a mention of just one. Unless you're uncertain.
"Allegedly": should this word be in the title?
I think I'd have found it amusing if the column description indicated that it's a big stupid joke that should not be read with any expectation of honest replies. I can't get past the nine year old cumming mention, it's just disgusting - I see nothing hilarious there.
I dated a guy who would cum at the speed of a nine year old
I don't understand why it's impossible for some people to just feel bad for the woman who died by suicide. I mean obviously she was the absolute wrong person to be on the receiving end of these idiots' prank; certainly, deep issues she harbored that became too much for her to handle after this occurred are to blame. …
Is Pitty Tweet a thing yet? Because that Gaga tweet to Lohan is a total pitty tweet.
Jenny Johnson and Chris Brown deserve each other obviously.
"you went poo yesterday!" oh my god I died. Give me a baby sloth now!!!
Shilo's face in that photo is exactly what I look like every Monday morning.