
Wow, what a nightmare. Thanks for the explanation, it was horrible to watch and no one was helping her! I fall asleep when I'm stressed, it is nothing like this or the disorder, but it's my coping mechanism. Whenever I board a plane, I sit down and I'm out like a light because the process of take off just stresses me

I think it perfectly illustrates the fuckedupness of Akin's comments. It should be troubling.

I believe, but am not at all certain, that by law the fetus must receive some sort of medical attention despite its lack of viability if it's under 24 weeks and comes out with a heartbeat. I could be wrong and this could change state to state too. It's been almost 15 years since I worked in the industry so I honestly

The pregnancy isn't considered viable until 24 weeks, I think, and then it's 50-50. The issue isn't only viability though. It's who do you notify, if anyone, and how do you handle it so that the news doesn't get out because it's obviously a horrific event and really bad if made public. You have to take into account

Yes, I understand. There are many complicated issues around this horrible situation, not just viability.

The only things missing were Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen.

Arg, this is a touchy subject and I hate to say that I've seen this situation. When I was much younger I worked as an abortion counselor and I'd assist the surgeon during the procedure. Past 12-14 weeks the woman has to have her cervix dilated and the pregnancy is destroyed and removed. Every once in a million, it

Ok, wtf happened here? Was she just not able to cope, or did she pass out or something?

I have to admit that sometimes when out with a group of friends I feel like the kangaroo. Pay attention to me!!!

Ok, I love the Lady Gaga raven outfit. I'm not going to lie. I actually like it more than the lobster hat she wore like two years ago when she was just starting her crazy outfit phase.

Holy cow! That is some serious damage, more than half of the house is just gone.

Star has Bai Ling listed as 41, but she's actually closer to 46. Amazing, she looks 26.

This goes from cute to funny to hilarious to horrifying pretty quickly. Jesus, attempted rape by a dolphin. That's a vacation story.

I turned on NPR this morning and the first part of her speech was streaming, and my first thought was 'what's Oprah doing at the rnc?'

I can has copy riterz?

Ugh. I love Nicole Richie but I do not like her perfume ad at all. Also, does she look a lot like Uma Thurman in it?

You had me at Leonardo DiCaprio naked.

Wow, thanks for this. It's really helpful, and a great opportunity to focus on any bias I have towards words or those who use certain words.

The important question: when will these words be acceptable in Words With Friends?

You've piqued my curiosity. Can you expand on the hate?