
Here’s a computer simulation:

Non-voters have just as much right to respond to the results.

You can’t stomach that people have differing views and actually bought into his policies and not the tabloid bs. Win or lose, probably lose most people are sick of the corrupt 2 party system that fails us constantly. Plus you think we as a nation can allow the Kardashians to be a thing and we wouldn’t have a

Sorry to burst your bubble, but America isn’t going to change whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump becomes President. Hillary is a corporate war hawk who will do anything to finally get elected. Trump is a festering pumpkin that’s been left out in the sun too long after Halloween.They are two puppets from the

Everyone wants to accuse Sherman of being dirty, but from what I see, Sherman’s movements are awkward because he was expecting a whistle and pulls up. However, the whistle never blows and he sees Carpenter continue with the attempt, he re-starts his efforts to block the kick. By that point, his angle to block the kick

Oh please 90% of Seattle “fans” don’t even know who Walter Jones is. And they think Hasselbeck is a reference to a terrible The View host.

When was the first whistle? I just rewatched it three times and I didn’t hear any until after the ball was kicked.

Why would someone go at the kicking leg? If attempting to injure someone in a kicking situation you would go after the plant leg, you know, the leg that h wasn’t clutching in pain while rolling on the ground

If the QB was outside of the pocket, then you can chuck the receiver past five yards. There is no illegal contact once the QB leaves the pocket.

If “right at the knee” was precisely where the ball was being held, sure. In the video that came into my home, Carpenter basically kicked Sherman as Sherman ran directly to the ball (if you freeze the frame at the appropriate moment, he put his hand ON the ball), then Carpenter fell down and did his best YouTube

Just be glad that the Buffalo OL can hold on every single play or shift in an obvious false start with no call

The play was obviously dead? Then why did the kicker continue his kicking motion?

He doesn’t have a DUI. His “hit and run” was an accident that resulted in a whopping $100 fine. He had a gun in a bag in a trunk which resulted in 80 hours community service. I guess those past mistakes are enough to cancel out anything good he could ever do.

For once I think he is but also take the review out of the refs on the fields hands and have a booth or central office do it. Or just have every play reviewed as the game is going by a booth who radios down to the ref when something is wrong.

You’re totally right. I grew up in a small city without professional sports, and everyone I knew were really tepid Braves fans because it was the closest franchise. But no one ever thought of going to a game, and I doubt all that many bothered to tune in.

‘...dig a little deeper, bro.’?

I dunno, the “maybe don’t take our children into a war zone where even UN convoys are bombed” is not that bad a tack . . .

What a juvenile mentality.

This is a ridiculous idea and your logic is very, very flawed.

So athletes who earn multi-million dollar salaries did so unethically? Warren Buffet earned his billions unethically? Please. The only people who think anyone shouldn’t be able to earn what they’re able are people who would never earn over a million dollars in their life. It’s easy to say you should take from others