
What a juvenile mentality.

This is a ridiculous idea and your logic is very, very flawed.

So athletes who earn multi-million dollar salaries did so unethically? Warren Buffet earned his billions unethically? Please. The only people who think anyone shouldn’t be able to earn what they’re able are people who would never earn over a million dollars in their life. It’s easy to say you should take from others

Everything will get better when Hillary Clinton picks people of color to sell weapons to the middle east and supervise the national growth of charter schools.

Keep going, I’m waiting until you get to at least “elementary school nurse”... or possibly “public library custodian”

And it goes back to my original point; that people like you are trying to dictate things along your terms and are not concerned with the will of the people. You will use political and societal pressure to force people to live in a way that you approve of. It is about a level of control. You are the fucking thought

Isn’t it funny how people who want to save the world are willing to give up even basic freedoms, like choosing where to live?

let me FTFY:

Please leave and take this affront to humanity with you. You and your devil cake are not welcome here.

Barbeque sauce, tho. And fuck South Carolina with mustard-based barbecue sauce.

The Troops! Oh, The Troops. Who serve this country so that there can be only the correct forms of protest as sanctioned by The Troops. Who serve this country so that they can be used as political pawns anytime someone does anything other than hold a pep rally for America. Who serve this country so that ignorant people

“When you’re in the same division as Jeff Fisher AND Jed York, you get a four-win head start every season”

Good analogy.

He said “so every other play didn’t end with a shredded ligament.” Why don't YOU try some reading comprehension?

49ers fans dealing with Jed York, just take a look at the Redskins over the last 17 years under Dan Snyder. That’s exactly what you are going to have to deal with, except without the media hype that only DC can provide.

Oh man, If I could be 6' even it would be so amazing. Shoes in normal sizes. Dress shirts that would always be long enough.

Again, Occam’s Razor, bitches- clearly the government set them up to be fall guys, concocting an elaborate story whereby Lochte and co. pretend to be robbed to get attention and then he abandons his teammates before the truth comes out. Then the Brazilian government apprehends them and shows that a) they the police

My god. I’m not alone. Someone else understands. Soulmate. :) I think The Sting is one of the most clever episodes they’ve done, and Luck of the Fryish makes me weep almost more than the dog one. Always good to be reminded of what a great show that is.

That show is among for that though. I have made my done (12) watch those and he loves them and gets all tearry eyed too. Futurama is awesome and I would watch again if they made more.

Toy Story 3 was the fully-weaponized version of Pixar’s EmotionBomb