
But you can have a violent, over-the-top action movie with a cast of sadistic characters where the narrative isn’t sexist (female characters are written as fully-rounded characters, the evilness isn’t predicated on sexist tropes), and where the plot is engaging and the jokes are funny? Nothing about “violent criminals

So basically, par for the course of Jai Courtney’s career. Sounds about right.

DC is trying to achieve the same setting... but they are coming to the game so late that the stakes are incredibly high. They don’t have the luxury Marvel had of building up a universe under another companies umbrella.

A disappointing DC movie?

My wife and I were there at about 6PM with our kids and my brother in law. If we had stayed for dinner we would have been caught in the flooding.

The commentary in that human chain video.. Very Baltimore-area. We’re trying to help you, dumbass - get the fuck out of the car!

Baylor? Boise State? Also-rans. Just can’t execute when it matters most. Cute stories, but every year they fall apart.

Wait until BYU joins the Big “12". Then they get to play Baylor every year in what will be a disappointment of a game when a meteor doesn’t strike the stadium.

Emily forever.

You are not wrong. She’s gorgeous

Meredith Kercher? I just met her!

I read and re-read your comment, and this is what I got out of it.

I find it amusing that people are trying to hide behind “But it was Russia!” Let’s look at this...

I believe that Shaq is far and away the most overrated player of all time who simply coasted on his size. I also understand that I’m wrong, but this is what I deeply deeply feel.

I’m gonna wait for it to go on Sale.

I think the problem is that consumers, and even doctors, might not be aware that the microwhatever testing isn’t accurate. Theranos certainly marketed their tests as accurate, and to consumers it was just a blood test.

Oh that Zima story was senior year of high school. Boone’s Farm was the start.

I would think the burden of proof would befall the person doing the recording. That’s why phone companies always say “this call may be recoded for X purposes”. If they aren’t recorded informing the person that they are being recorded and/or the other person showing knowledge of the recording taking place, I’d think

I hate to defend someone that many feel is a robot run by a major ad agency, but she seems to generally be very positive to more or less everyone. I may be out of the loop but it is infrequent that she is directly shitting on anyone. Yeah, the alleged spat about Katy Perry being more fun, and even this bullshit, but

the full lyrics totally change the context of the line she signed off on though.