
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with monetizing college football. The corrupting influence is that it takes place under the guise of “amateurism,” and the notion it’s anything but a big business. Under this aegis, universities ruthlessly exploit the students that play under their banner, without appropriate care

Football programs, at least in the top tier of Division 1 are perfectly sustainable if they wanted to be.

so guys that HAVE played for Harrington think he’s not so good.

My current home state, Maryland, would be way at the bottom. Given Maryland drivers, we would all die commuting to the invasion.

South Park made Timmy and Jimmy peers of the main characters. They are not defined by their disabilities, and are annoyed at those who try talk down to them. Jimmy was the hero of a recent season, in which he stands up for freedom of the press at a time when a cowardly town could have cared less.

Zambillion Little Pieces.

There’s an interesting article by Josh Levin on Slate about KD to warriors:

It’s only worse if Durant goes on stage with Drake and Jerry West and Ayesha Curry and starts “Not one, not two, not three...”. Durant didn’t host a one-hour special with kids as props, so he’s automatically two moves ahead.

“We hired the highest grossing actress of *all time* to be the lead of a film based on a story that took place in an English colony off the coast of China. An actress that, BTW, looks an awful lot like a living manga character. Uh, ooops?”

Also, he gives plenty of balls away? I don’t want a ball that you caught, I want one that I caught. It’s not the same thing, not in my book anyway...

One, chill out a little there Ethyl.

So so typical. Truth is the majority of guys have no complaint if a vagina is waxed smooth as a peach or just trimmed, some even like the full 70's wildnerness. Very very few guys will go through the effort of having a fight with their significant other over the issue. At most, when a guy’s lady suggests he shave his

Yeah, disagree. Have you ever really looked into how the administration of European Union works? It’s a mess. If you’ve noticed, the prosperous Scandinavian countries have always kept it at arms length, and now Britain will too. The EU is a 1948 Packard in a Tesla world. You do realize they move the entire European

Well, owning a car greatly increases my odds of being injured or killed by a traffic accident. It’s about responsibility in using an object, not the object itself. I can wipe out myself and plenty of others with my car (not a Mustang, by the way) if I choose to, but I use it as properly as I can.

Keeping a loaded,

You knoelw, I thought about this more, and I think you (or your friends) are going slightly too far by calling Venkman “rapey”. Is he a creep? Yes. Is slightly scary? I can see someone saying yes to thay to. But he is not rapey.Why? Because he actually gets a chance to rape Dana and he doesn’t even consider it. Yes,

Was telling someone the same thing about Verhoeven’s movies the other day. What is it that the people doing the remakes don’t get? Do they not pick up on the campy humor? Does the satirical edge just go over their head? How is that even possible when it comes to RoboCop? I dread the day they remake Starship Troopers

Wiig and Sudekis “Two A-holes” was absolutely spot on. I thought she was brilliant, but her last two seasons of SNL, it felt like everything that wasn’t her Lawrence Whelk character was some version of “Silver Age Hollywood starlet”. I think her talent is wasted on the style of movie this seems to be.

“Both of my viewing companions had been similarly stalked by men in their lives (a fact they had no reason to share with me until our discussion after the movie) and his behavior reminded them of their experiences, feeling unsafe.”

That’s a great example. But also a great example of why Ghostbusters is getting so much hate (excluding the people who want to argue that women shouldn’t be in the roles). No one was hyping Vacation and releasing teasers and set photos. The remade it and released it, and it sucked. With Ghostbusters, they’re trying so

This This This. I'm not going to apologize that I don't want to see a shitty reboot. Here's a shitty song to go with it. Nothing to do with it being women like at all. I like McCarthy in certain roles. Great on Gilmore Girls! Her style and Feigs style of comedy don't fit in the GB world. That's my issue.