
Agree 100% with this. When you play 4 rounds of quality opponents things can happen. I mean if the Cavs had to play the Spurs, Thunder or a healthy Clips team they could easily lose one of those series. In fact they would have been underdogs in at least 2 of them.

What it comes down to for me is: Jordan’s Bulls always beat teams they were supposed to beat, and they were always the favorite (even that weird Laker team was a shadow of Showtime that caught lightning in a bottle). LeBron just beat a team he wasn’t supposed to, but he also hasn’t won every series he was supposed to.

Ok so making it is enough really? We’re gonna give him a step up over MJ because he beat a blown out bad Bulls team last year and lost to the Warriors? Nah I’m gonna need actual accomplishments or else we should talk about Jim Kelly as one of the best QBs...

He will never be. But saying Dilfer threw for as many yards and TDs and won as many MVPs (like the players were actually comparing) than ya he’d be better. Let me know if I can walk you through any other false equivalencies.

Disagree. Nike and Gatorade didn’t make him the player he was; they may have marketed him into a global icon, but mainly because he was so damn good. Look at his numbers by any modern or traditional metric. He was a basketball phenomenon.

“and Michael never had to do anything with even 75 percent the degree of difficulty that involved.”

Did we stop using rings to measure greatness? If so then go ahead with the LBJ GOAT talk. If not let's wait till he gets 6 first hmmm...

Michael Jordan is the best basketball player of all-time. I don’t know why this needs repeating. The best offensive guard ever, and probably the best defensive guard ever. 6-0 in the NBA Finals. Was also the most compelling/exciting, and aesthetically-pleasing player of his time (and likely of all-time). Besides that,

Yea. In games 1/2 he used the attention he was getting to get the other guys involved, and people like Livingston and Barbosa stepped up big.

As a Jets fan, nothing makes me happier than watching Tom Brady lose. NOTHING.

2007 Fiesta Bowl - Boise State over Oklahoma. Goddamn that was a great game.

There is a lot of evidence that the world is flat too

Yeah, the playoffs have definitely proven this isn’t the best team of all time. They’ve only really brought their best when their backs were against the wall vs. OKC. Other than that, they’ve been cruising. Maybe you can put some of that on the Curry injury, but I don’t think so.

This is the best outraged reaction by an athlete’s wife since Gisele complained that Tom couldn’t both throw and catch the ball.

The officiating in this game was trash. Warriors were helped in the thunder series, refs helped cavs here. To think the nba wants 7 is not a stretch (tin foil hat unnecessary) - look at the gaming that goes on in soccer and tennis, doping in the Olympics etc.

Did you watch Lebron’s last game in Cleveland the first time around— Curry got screwed by the refs and then lost it, Lebron just quit on his team.

Seriously? LeBron is renowned for this kind of behavior. How many times has he walked off the court without shaking hands? You’ll probably see it again after game 7.

I’m from Sacramento so I haven’t believed in the legitimacy of NBA refs since game 6 in 02. I don’t know why people are acting surprised

His unabashed lack of interest towards the NCAA and its ideals of “amateurism” is honestly the main reason I like him.