
“Fuck him, he’ll never set foot on this campus again“ said Jim Capulet, Associate Dean of Students.

In that case, you probably need an ebook reader that can read ePub, which the Kindle cannot, although I heard there are workarounds with Calibre.

In that case, you probably need an ebook reader that can read ePub, which the Kindle cannot, although I heard there

Bitch, some of us were in high school before cellphones existed for the average person (even RAZORS). THE HORROR, I know.

Honestly, even if it was actually a mistake, I wouldn’t want to keep around household staff that was into my significant other enough to describe them that way. I get people feel things, but I couldn’t knowingly have someone work in my home if they were thinking inappropriately about my spouse. It would be inviting

I think this post made me realize that The Mist is the non-found footage Cloverfield.

That’s the best point right there: this is targeted towards people who don’t exist. Responsible gun owners already have their guns locked up. Irresponsible gun owners, by definition, don’t care about the gun’s security.

As an Eagles fan, I can tell you this:
Bill Belichick plays chess. Well.
Andy Reid plays checkers. Well. But very slowly and methodically.
Chip just plays checkers. Fast. Poorly.

When the implications of complying rip a hole in the constitution, yes, you can argue your case to a higher court. Must be nice to blindly live under the warm blanket of government surveillance, trusting not only that they will always be benevolent but that they’ll always protect you from the criminals and foreign

Only if you take an extremely myopic view of this case, will you not see fourth amendment implications. In light of Snowden’s revelations, the NSA counsel who 6 months ago said to just wait for a moment of public tragedy (exactly like this one) to get access, Clapper’s lies to congress, Comey’s lies to the

Right, the FBI just wants to prove #4, that it is not a big burden. Once they set that precedent then the bar for #2 will be gradually lowered to include any federal crime.

From my understanding, Apple has no way to comply with the court order. They don’t actually possess the technology and you can’t force someone or a company to create or invent something with a court order.

Never trust someone in the law enforcement system when they say “it’s only this one time”....... Once a precedent Is set, only the supreme court will override it. It’s trying to pass law by court instead of by legislation and it’s reprehensible.

What ever the FBI claims they want, rather they claim they don’t “want” to

Something tells me that she feels that the victims are the evil ones. If only they had kept their filthy whore mouths shut and their filthy whore legs closed, she wouldn’t have to deal with all of this inconvenience.

Even if the custom iOS is developed in-house and Apple destroys it, the FBI will keep asking for it to be re-built. The custom iOS would be such a huge prize that it’s difficult to imagine it wouldn’t end up in someone else’s hands (probably state-sponsored hackers) the longer it existed.

Weird - I have the same combination on my luggage...

Yeah but it’s not like players can just dribble it out for 24 seconds with the other team desperately trying to steal it without fear of stealing. There would certainly be more in bounds passes, which is prime time for trying to steal it. I could see this potential rule change resulting in more turnovers due to

Uhh, actually, yeah. Football teams will commit penalties when the risk-reward is beneficial — see Aqib Talib’s abhorrent face-mask penalty in the SB. Dude admitted that he did it knowing that the penalty would only cost his team moving from the 3-yard line to the goal-line.

Oh shit, I didn’t know I was getting paid 20 million dollars a year to understand Dwight Howard’s incompetence.

How about DJ, Drummond, and Dwight learn to shoot a fucking free throw so they aren’t a liability to their teams?

i get the whole “it takes away from the game” and “it slows the game down” stuff but why the hell would we want to reward guys who cant make free throws.......just saying if you could make better than 60 percent then you wouldnt have to worry about delly placing his nuts on lower back for no apparent reason......just