
Typical liberal keyboard warrior rhetoric, what do this guy, batman theater guy, and every other shooter - hell - every other KILLER (lets just broaden this scope of conversation) - like nurse mom who dismembered her fucking son, have in common?
THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No amount of background checking

Weird, I own guns and have never had the inspiration to kill anything, people or animals. They aren’t for protection. They are for shooting clay discs as quickly as possible. OR shooting targets from close or long ranges (depending on which of my guns we are talking about).

“Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011.”

I don’t know what everyone else thinks, but the people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights are smarter than 99.9999999999999% of the people who have ever lived.

So a Gun was the ONLY way this guy would have killed these two people and wounded another?

Honestly, if they wanted to limit gun ownership to people in militias, the easiest workaround is to start creating civilian militias that you pay a membership to join. I imagine they’d do most of their advertising in gun shops, trade shows and magazines, and the people who want to own guns will all be members or this

Yes bans! Because banning recreational drugs was effective, because banning alcohol was effective, because banning abortion was effective, because outlawing rape was effective, because outlawing murder was effective. Now we don't have those problems.

...whether the amendment to the Constitution that explicitly states (go read it) that people who are in militias can own guns also means that people who are not in militias can own guns, and if so, whether and which citizens should own guns. Most of these opinions will be the incorrect opinion.

Hey look guys she ain’t dead! Put away the shovels and let’s rape her!

My son just started working in food service at a large fast food chain, in the SF bay area.
I’ve seen an awakening in him that no school or talk from me could have created. He “gets it” in a way that could only have come from experiencing it.

that same a-hole god forced the Seahawks OC to not go beast mode in the super bowl.

I get that they want to defend the pass being called here, and fine. But my question is, why a slant towards the middle of the field? That's the thing that's always gotten me, it was such a bad play call. "Guys the only thing that beats us here is a pick...so lets throw right to the middle of the field where the ball

Blais testified for more than four hours, striking a defiant tone in defending the university. After all, she said, she spent every working day of her life attempting to make athletes’ lives at Northwestern better.

Amazing that they didn’t have build a great rapport. Havin worked hard to integrate himself by blowing off the passing camp that was put together by Wilson and the receivers (Jimmy Graham and some defensive players all showed up this year), he spent all his time away from the team slow playing his injury. Right when

But I just kept getting, ‘If he comes back, he comes back. If not, we’re good without him.’

“If he comes back, he comes back. If not, we’re good without him.”

Can we just agree that all three of them sound like dipshits?

both fights were instigated by Baldwin and Tate, who were immature, jealous, and threatened by Harvin

How about they all shut the fuck up and try living up to expectations. Doug Baldwin should be happy to be in the league.

It doesn’t matter how organized or fair you try to be as the commish, there are always going to be people that bitch about anything and everything.