
Hey look guys she ain’t dead! Put away the shovels and let’s rape her!

My son just started working in food service at a large fast food chain, in the SF bay area.
I’ve seen an awakening in him that no school or talk from me could have created. He “gets it” in a way that could only have come from experiencing it.

I will say that I cannot imagine what use Daredevil would possibly be in a cosmic-level fight. He’s severely underpowered to do anything but civilian rescue.

that same a-hole god forced the Seahawks OC to not go beast mode in the super bowl.

I get that they want to defend the pass being called here, and fine. But my question is, why a slant towards the middle of the field? That's the thing that's always gotten me, it was such a bad play call. "Guys the only thing that beats us here is a pick...so lets throw right to the middle of the field where the ball

My husband swears he’ll divorce me if this movie is ever playing while he’s in the house.

Blais testified for more than four hours, striking a defiant tone in defending the university. After all, she said, she spent every working day of her life attempting to make athletes’ lives at Northwestern better.

Amazing that they didn’t have build a great rapport. Havin worked hard to integrate himself by blowing off the passing camp that was put together by Wilson and the receivers (Jimmy Graham and some defensive players all showed up this year), he spent all his time away from the team slow playing his injury. Right when

But I just kept getting, ‘If he comes back, he comes back. If not, we’re good without him.’

“If he comes back, he comes back. If not, we’re good without him.”

Can we just agree that all three of them sound like dipshits?

both fights were instigated by Baldwin and Tate, who were immature, jealous, and threatened by Harvin

How about they all shut the fuck up and try living up to expectations. Doug Baldwin should be happy to be in the league.

It doesn’t matter how organized or fair you try to be as the commish, there are always going to be people that bitch about anything and everything.

I’m too old for not hiring movers. And if you offer to “pay” me in beer and pizza to move/paint/whatever your shit, I’m too old for being friends with you.

Since when is “Cheney” unpronounceable?

I’m a man and I agree entirely, I was just saying that most professional places wouldn’t let you wear something like that. I am firmly in the camp that cold individuals need to wear a few more articles of clothing and/or suck it up rather than us sweating and making the place reek of ball sweat and testosterone.

I’m glad I’m in a long term relationship because if not I think I’d just give up and become whatever the male version of a spinster is.

Ciara wishes this headline was one letter different.

Obstructing a legitimate investigation into on-field misconduct is a bridge too far and the league was right to tell Brady to go fuck himself. Allowing players to obstruct investigations into on-field misconduct would effectively bar the league from investigating on-field misconduct. The league is right to push back