
4-6 months? He should be back for the ECF.

I would rather see a culling of cable channels, particularly those that have lost their way and no longer show programming serving their original mandate.

I was coming here to say “no more reality shows”. I know that’s blasphemy and I’m probably the only person left on earth who doesn’t watch them.....but I’d watch a catapult.

To steal from the Evil Overlord list:

We get it all done while you are getting ready in the bathroom

The people insisting “dipped” is at all self-explanatory and the rest of us are morons for not knowing this bizarro regionalism are making me want to set something on fire.

Totally. This constant dark and brooding shit is going to be laughed at as “so 2010’s” one day. Just awful.

I am dreading how awful this movie is going to be.

This movie is gonna be awful.

Because we are now a plutocracy, and money needs to be protected from the populace. Also because “cop” is one of the few jobs returning soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan have been able to find reliably. Essentially these are young people who grew up in the armed forces and now don’t really understand the difference

I sure hope it was intentional. Would hate to think what goes on in the mind of someone who designs such an overtly sexual horror carnival accidentally.

Yep, I can’t think of another profession in this country where refusing to do your goddamn job is given an exemption like that. They should either fill the scrips or lose their licenses. Simples.

We used to call it "Tiny Emperor Syndrome." Because you are so powerless on the bottom rung, when you figure out a way to move up one, even if it's just to something pointless like "shift supervisor" all the New! Shiny! Power! goes to your head and you lose your damn mind and turn into Mussolini, because BY GOD THE

I got super-excited because the P.F. Changs by my old place in Rockville, Maryland, was next to a Borders, and I could TOTALLY picture somebody pulling that kind of scene there, and I was like "OOOOOHHH OHOOOOHOOH WHITE FLINT MALL, RIGHT??!?!?!?" and then quickly realized that there's probably some law that mandated

I love these boxer briefs by Under Armour 6" BoxerJock.

I love these boxer briefs by Under Armour 6" BoxerJock.

The real twist is Skynet won the war and replaced all humans with terminators, but then the file that was stored in became corrupted, so it forgot, so terminators have been at war with terminators for 600 years.

FedEx field is one of the worst places in the entire country.

It isn't that they're eunuchs so much as it's that their pants can't be removed. Their pants can't be removed because their shoes can't be removed. Their shoes can't be removed because there is no pain quite like stepping on a Lego barefoot and every inch of ground in their world is Lego.

Zone defense is currently legal in the NBA. Teams don’t use it much because NBA players and offenses can too easily beat it after a couple of possessions to adjust, but it’s been legal since the NBA got rid of the “illegal defense” penalty and replaced it with defensive 3 seconds.

Yeeeeep. Unfortunately the abusive nature of the police in SC is locally well known. It's also really inadvisable to be a woman alone around them. My friend had a Lexington cop approach her at a traffic stop with his gun drawn, ordered her out of the car, kept shouting for her to submit to a search, and kept