
Yes, Russia is a caldron of homophobia and tribalism but let's be clear here: America only cares, like it almost always does about the rights of minorities, because it's in its own interest to care. Remember: Laura Bush really cared about women's rights in Afghanistan on September 12, 2001 just as Obama suddenly

You're people could have had freedom without the war if America had stuck to our principles and supported Ho Chi Min when he asked for American support for the Vietnamese independence movement. Their declaration of independence was based on the American; more than half was copied verbatim. We refused because of our

I've been to Arlington, and Normandy, and Gettysburg, and several other cemeteries filled with war dead. Most of the people it that hallowed ground died for something worth fighting for. But those who died in the post 9/11 wars died because of the mistakes and crimes our government committed since the fall of the

Boy you can tell it's the end of a long, hot summer can't you. We've had the "aircraft crashing" scare. We've had the "we're all going to die of an incurable disease" scare (this time linked with "holy hell - antibiotics don't work"). We've had the "global warming" scare (the north pole melted - oh - wait). So now, as

Come the fuck on. We're a bunch of dicks because we repeatedly arm unstable countries, incite civil wars, and meddle in the affairs of a culture we don't understand because oil companies have shitloads of money and they want to keep oil prices down. This has been happening for 50+ years. The body of evidence is in

Nobody ever asked America to "spread freedom".

Cause we are suckers too.

Can we please stop worrying about the terrorism crap already?! Yes, some colossal losers from the third world rat-holes we're habitually bombing want to kill us; and rightly so. As a nation, Americans are a bunch of dicks. But you know what, the terrorists are normally extremely incompetent. You know the shoe bomber,

I don't think anyone is arguing that Police can't run your plate at a Traffic stop or any other interaction between LEO and regular citizens. I think people have a problem with the plate readers on the cars tagging the plates and LOCATIONS of all of the cars that a police cruiser passes on the road all the time and