
Kind of hard to make a profit without a product, hard to make a profit without people to buy the product. Without the people there can be no profit. Profit is always the by-product.

Yup, as someone else in the thread posted: “It’s very easy to come up with solutions that don’t require you to personally give up something, but require others to give up something simply because you think they should. . . “

Yeah, and I think OPs ridiculous idea is that companies would then somehow decide that giving that money back to society for free or lowering their product costs so they could lower their profit is a viable answer. These solutions would not work without literally getting rid of the stock market system, since nearly

Honestly, I think you’d be better off advocating for ending the stock market system. Since most of the terrible accumulations of wealth are driven by executives who even if they wanted to do it differently (I mean they don’t, but even if they wanted to), are tasked by rules that ensure they make business decisions in

Well, the OP will probably say altruism, but that’s a hard pill to swallow. Many people would cease working incredibly hard or being creative to invent new things if the only reason they do it and the only benefit they get out of it is ‘the good of society’.

Well, the only thing likely to get you where you want to go would be removing money from work and simply paying everyone the same wage, or else providing for everyone from the profits/money changing hands in society as a whole. Then you would only work if you wanted to and only on what you wanted to and all things

Businesses have lost sight of what they really are. A business exists to make a product, profit is a by-product.

Not to mention that capping salaries would not really matter all that much. Most of these rich people don’t get paid a salary, they get paid in stocks, bonds, properties, etc. And also, capping salaries would not necessitate wealth being redistributed. You would just get holding companies or something retaining all

Wouldn’t the answer to this simply be that anyone rich enough just creates a corporation to own everything and then as sole owner they enjoy the benefits of everything the company owns with a ‘lowly’ salary of $1 million?

Aww, thanks for the well-wishes. Nah, my weekend is pretty stacked, I don’t really have much time to myself. The kids pretty much take up most of what we’ve got, and then cleaning and grocery shopping, and all the errands. If I’m lucky I’ll get to watch my NFL team’s game in a 30 min burst by fast forwarding

I keep saying it for your benefit, but you’re too busy smelling your own smug to listen. You’re never going to get anywhere near saving the world unless you stop trying to force your worldview on people.

Wow. The guilt-tripping is strong with this one. . . Good luck if that’s your only go-to move. I have nothing to be guilty for or apologize for, but you seem to be able to play fast and loose with my life, so which one of us is problem? I’m sure you’ll say me, and I’ll definitely say you, so I guess we’ll have to

Sorry that there are people who want to preserve the environment, make the cost of living more affordable, make traffic better, give people better access to public transit, save taxpayers money on infrastructure and better public health at the expense of preserving the (kinda shitty) way thing currently are. I guess

Right, but even nice apartments wedged into the edge of the city (which is usually next to where the suburbs are) or the expansion of the city (which would expand into the suburbs) fundamentally changes those places and the people who live there deserve to have a say in what happens to where they live and are

See, I agree with you now. If people want that they should move to those places.

No one is advocating for turning everything into “dense urban hellscape.”

I’m pretty sure your assessment of which of you (between you and RdBme) is a dick is about as accurate as your assessment of what is and is not the problem of people who live outside of the city.

Haha, or more aptly the freedom for other people to choose where and how to live?

I always laugh that the liberals are always the ones calling the republicans ‘fascists’ and yet they always seem to be the ones who basically want to make all your decisions for you and say you’re wrong because I’m right and anyone who doesn’t think like me is fucking stupid.

Either your neighbors are weird, or you’re not noticing. I have 2 kids under 5, and with all the neighborhood kids and their cousins, we’re pretty much outside in the afternoon/evening almost every day unless it’s raining or like 85+ degrees (or if it’s hot on a weekend, then we’re playing with the hose/pool/water