I think written Japanese is fun! Unlike English, I can ascertain the rough meaning of a word I’ve never seen before purely from the kanji.
I think written Japanese is fun! Unlike English, I can ascertain the rough meaning of a word I’ve never seen before purely from the kanji.
No, clearly you moonwalk away.
The answer lies in biology. Desire, jealousy, anger, and confrontation come naturally to Homo Sapiens. Our comfortable, peaceful lives in the first world are a blip in a history filled with belligerence, murder, and torture over prejudices and rights to resources.
You read Japanese with your hands?
That list leaves about a few thousand other adult visual novels that have yet to be banned. Better stream them while you can!
That’s so sweet. Those two gentlemen look like great friends.
Thanks for the video! The video helps put the issue into perspective.
If casting a white actor to play a Japanese is whitewashing, then casting any Asian to play a Japanese would be “yellowwashing.”
It is difficult to grasp the issue from this article. In one thousand or so odd words, the only things I can make out are:
They call it Bravely Second for a reason!
The Bravely series is fantastic at breaking the fourth wall.
They are modernizing Final Fantasy without question.
Context-sensitive button mapping a drive me nuts. My Canadian copy of Dead or Alive 5 uses X for confirm, but my Japanese PS4 menu uses O for confirm. I keep scrambling the two whenever I open and close the PS4 menu.
Huh. What I remember most clearly about Fear Effect is the full-motion backgrounds. That was unheard of in the PS1 era. As a consequence, that sucker came on four discs, with each disc featuring only an hour or two of gameplay.
I believe the director is on record for saying he wants to recapture the experience of SO3. If SO3 is not your cup of tea, then maybe it is best to save your money.
Yeah, you’re right. I misspoke a bit. On a spectrum with pure turns on one end and pure action on the other, the ATB system falls somewhere in between. FFXV’s system also falls somewhere in between, although it lies much more toward action. But it is still no Devil May Cry or Bayonetta. All actions are slower, and…
You’re right. Thank you for the correction!
Thank you for the correction. I was looking at only DQIX’s developer, which is apparently Level 5.
You drove a car in Final Fantasy VIII!