
Got it. I guess you’re right, assuming that Ugandans are all of one race. If i do any one of the three British accents that I know, that’s not racist. If I talk like a hillbilly, that’s not racist. If I talk like I’m from Boston, that’s not racist either. People love to be offended these days. Sucks to be them, I

Some hotels will not allow a single guest. To the same end some hotels won’t allow more than two guests. For anonymous hotels they can be quite judgemental about one’s sexual appetites.

I actually loved the plot twist to Star Ocean 3.

Cc2 was going too fast. They showed SE the master disc, which made management furious. TOO SOON!

I don’t see people complaining about The Witcher or Mass Effect 3...

They don’t, it’s just a statue, if you have kids you’ll have to bottle feed

In all seriousness, this is the definition of redacting history.

Those are all issues presented in the game, yes, but they’re not directly tied to political conservatism in any way. They might be tied to the way that a lot of liberals tend to see political conservatism, but I think that might be more an effect of liberals seeing political conservatism as something close to “evil”.

What, the Switch?


“There it is, and then it’s gone.” Holy fuck that’s deep.

Yes but in all honesty, does any Canadian history prior to 1964, the year Tim Hortons was founded, really matter?

I’ve always felt that Doubting Thomas from the Bible was a pretty solid guy, myself. If you saw Jesus get crucified and shanked in the side by a spear, and all of a sudden 3 days later your buddies are like “JESUS IS BACK, TOM”, my first two thoughts would be:

1) Great, they’re trying to pull a fast one on me.
2) Wow,

I would definitely watch people doing speedruns of getting tossed out of Chuck-E-Cheese’s.

Also, doesn’t it seem awfully rude for your character to try to hurt their character? Wouldn’t it be better if they were just friends?

No, people need to stop being so sensitive. There are countless Movies, songs, stand up, jokes all revolving around anti-semitic and racist themes. Yet one guy says death to all jews as a joke and everyone loses their shit. If this was part of a comedy sketch people wouldn’t even flinch.

it is political correctness, when poeple get offended by everything and then make a witch hunt on the person who dared to do something “inappropriate”...

Sure, why not?