
Speed runs are great when you want to see a walkthrough but are short on time.

I’m glad the child was 9 years old. Teach him early that you can’t always get what you want. Back in the 1970s we had The Rolling Stones to teach us this lesson. Now we have to make do with dicks.

This reminds me of the time Nabokov’s Lolita was localized to appeal to American taste. Except in that case a much greater moral crisis was averted: The reader was originally presented not a thirteen year old girl in swimwear, but the explicit sexual obsession of the protagonist for a twelve year old girl.

You’re so popular.

I have no reason to believe that negotiating a contract while under the terms of a previous one runs afoul with the current employer provided such negotiations do not interfere with one’s current responsibilities.

Fair enough.

You sure you’re not confusing Japan with the Middle East?

This path is always flooded with tourists during the day. An exquisite photo indeed.

Nothing is better than Blades of Steel. You lose a fist fight in that game, and you’re the one who gets dragged into the penalty box for being the lesser man.

“I like big butts in a can of lard?” I don’t see where the can of lard comes into the picture here, though...

Christianity in video games has only recently become permissible. Nintendo of America self-censored tons of religious content of all forms in the 90s.

I think that’s true everywhere. Look at Madonna.

The Meat Rock Climbing Ramen is a portal to the Meat Dimension. In order to finish this bowl, you need Understanding of your limits, Knowledge to control your pace, Courage to face the unrelenting tide of beef, and the Diligence to persevere against this colossal challenge.

I am not sure when or where the term “male power fantasy” came into fashion as an canned response for discrediting criticism toward depictions of men in pop culture, but the response is a short-sighted one.

Good on him to quit while he’s ahead. Many IPs keep getting milked long after the creative spark has flickered out (e.g., Resident Evil).

It takes me 4.90 seconds to lose interest and give up.

Matches can fall apart for the dumbest reasons.

I’m pretty sure George Carlin hated everything.

I hear you. I can barely stand looking at myself in the mirror. There’s no way I’m putting this crap in front of a camera!

Different development company, but behind it lies the same old creepy as fu director.