
And also: Avoid the Wikipedia article if you don’t want spoilers. I made the mistake of reading through this article months after playing through NG and putting the game down, thinking that NG+ was just bonus material.

Thank you for the correction, but to stick to the context of the article, I intended to use “gender” according to its popular alternate meaning of “physiological identity.”

If it doesn't reproduce, wouldn't the question of its gender be moot?

The “old saw,” better known as the false dilemma.

I love how the panels intentionally avoid association with “GamerGate,” while this article assesses their relationship to it in not only most paragraphs, but the headline itself. Then out of the woodwork come those eager to resume the same tired arguments over Anita Sarkeesian for the N’th time.

The illusion is hidden all right. All I see, one eye closed or not, is a 2D image with well-drawn perspective. Then again, this is coming from somebody for whom the 3D slider on a 3DS only makes the picture blurry.

Clearly bearable, as you have just demonstrated.

I just came here to say that “know and love” is one of the most tired, worn-out combinations of three words in marketing. The Amazon user might as well have a username “I’m a shill.”

They Resident Evil the Stage in this play? The whole thing?

Next spring, Cowboy Bebop and Trigun are turning 18. They’re becoming old enough to drink in most countries!

I was in a stable relationship spanning several years with a woman. Then, one day over the course of a conversation over drinks in a cafe, she implies that we should start thinking about marriage. I wasn’t ready for that kind of talk. I almost shit my pants!

I find it amazing how people can give blood while sitting on those small rickety stools. I faint like a little bitch alpha male every time I have my blood drawn.

Isn’t she the girl many people think looks gloomy and miserable in variety shows? Mr. Ashcraft published an article a year or two ago describing how people online were rallying to cheer her up.

No, you got it backward. That phone on the right is indestructible, whereas the phone on the right is fragile and overpriced.

Wait a second... When did somebody take this picture of me sitting at home?

Preorders are for people who want to part with their money as soon as possible.

Religion and politics often make some people lose all perspective and give way to ranting and raving and carrying on like emotional children. They either refuse to discuss it with reason or else they prefer argumentum ad hominem which is a hell of a way to conduct a discussion. Well anyhow, not long ago I was talking

Sure, as soon as English speakers stop pronouncing ゴジラ as Godzilla, 東京 as Toh-kee-oh, and 札幌 as if there is an English “r” in it.

The birth rate per couple is below two in many countries other than Japan, especially Germany. These countries are sustaining their population with immigration, unlike Japan.

The trailers are usually just bullshots. Nothing like the real experience at all.