The article itself is pretty neutral to me. The only point of contention might be Nakamura-san’s use of the question mark after “game,” which I believe is defensible given how unorthodox the DOAX series is.
The article itself is pretty neutral to me. The only point of contention might be Nakamura-san’s use of the question mark after “game,” which I believe is defensible given how unorthodox the DOAX series is.
Kotaku should run its own poll asking readers what part of FFVII they’d hate to see become DLC.
Phoenix Downs only work if you die on the battle screen. Sephiroth comes down too fast for the PSX hardware to load the battle screen.
Yeah. Its concepts of repentance, forgiveness, and humility are all B.S.
You can level up in Lunatic mode in Awakening? I tried to get through Lunatic mode, myself, and every random battle on the world map kicked my ass (as in the enemies had twice my stats and were undefeatable no matter how well I played). Even then, only 1~2 battles appear per day, so it’s not like you can steadily…
Yeah, that’s another big unknown. He must have been standing on some sort of semi-submersible raft.
You can hug me!
It never makes sense how Aerith’s body sinks into the lake. Even my 10 year old child mind knew that bodies float.
The chance of dying in a nuclear bomb blast is almost nil. That didn’t keep people from shitting their pants throughout the Cold War, and it hasn’t been keeping the entire world from trying to abolish nuclear arms ever since.
Fire Emblem if
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Isn’t Cordon Bleu pretty heavy on the calories, too?
I encounter the double negative from time to time in philosophy textbooks and academic papers. It stresses similarity between two things you wouldn’t necessarily expect to share common features.
I herd its’a place where young’uns do drugs and git in kerfuffles.
I don’t know man. I think eating Ivy’s full-screen whips over and over while playing Soul Calibur IV online scarred me for life. I need to train through the pain. Train through the pain...
“You have to learn separate timings for online [play] that will vary by opponent and that’s kind of tough.
I don’t know what’s sillier: Wearing shoes indoors, or wearing shoes when bare feet would offer so much more dexterity.
Better not tell China about that stolen panda bear.