
Japan puts tariffs on imported rice so Japanese rice farmers can still have jobs. It’s more expensive to produce rice in Japan than in SE Asia. This isn’t corruption; it’s national interest.

Because women never wear heels willfully.

In addition to the spontaneous crashes noted above, text entry is screwed up on iOS, too. The cursor gets sucked into the middle of the word that’s being typed.

I bought an avocado from the grocery store, and when I got home and cut it open, it was brown inside. The grocery store sold me a rotten avocado.

Is that a back massager?

Savings accounts are an awful place to store money. Banks aren’t stupid. They set interest rates lower than inflation. Keep your money in a savings account and watch your spending power erode.

I think it would be cool if they did some kind of ATB-CTB hybrid where you can freely swap characters in and out of battle. The original FFVII has a nice cast, but you can only choose to use two of them, with the default third usually being Cloud. Adding diversity between the characters would be nice, too. If each

The quoted post does not imply that action RPGs are superior. Nowhere did I even mention action RPGs.

You’re going to need to substantiate your analogy for me to accept it.

I had no idea. It’s pretty cool if he did offer it for free.

False equivalence. The XBone isn’t a remake of the Xbox 360, nor is the Final Fantasy VII remake new hardware.

Hey, that Paul McCartney song didn’t pay for itself.

In the past, directors of comic book movies didn’t respect the source material, and most of the movies sucked (e.g., Catwoman). It wasn’t until directors who know enough about comics to respect the source material came along that comic book movies became massive blockbusters.

The only game I ever attempted to pirate was a single Steam game, because Steam refuses to accept expats’ money.

I would consider purchasing an erotic visual novel or two if my credit card statement wasn’t still mailed to my parents’ house. That would make for an awkward dinner conversation.

Havel’s Ring. Favor and Protection.

I concur about the twist thing.

I want one...

Well, I read the Famitsu article myself, and the only thing I can say is that the NeoGAF user seems to be talking about a different article.

Another interpretation is that they were testing the physics engine by setting different, uh... bounce variables for each player, but forgot to change them back when compiling the E3 build.