It doesn’t pay to confess mental health issues. Depression means lost productivity. In a country with uncertain job security, confessing that you deal with mental health problems means that you’ll lose your job. Or not get hired at all.
It doesn’t pay to confess mental health issues. Depression means lost productivity. In a country with uncertain job security, confessing that you deal with mental health problems means that you’ll lose your job. Or not get hired at all.
The point silver is trying to make is that the Order was puffed up for its visuals but turned out to be a shitty game. And not because its graphics were “downgraded.”
Man, the cannabis community is popping up everywhere. I swear, the cannabis of today is becoming the nicotine of the 1960s.
That’s like if Mr. Ashcraft wrote “RomComs are action flicks for women,” then objecting that RomComs don’t have gunfights.
The project was 25% short of its goal after nearly a full 31 days. The project was not going to be funded in spite of Jonathan’s false pledge. All the guy is guilty of is getting the team’s hopes up.
There is a lot more different between the Final Fantasies than art and environments. This is a series spread across six console generations. Every numbered title is built from the ground up using different technologies. Though all belong to the same genre, the core gameplay is often changed, as well:
As a young boy growing up in a family too poor to purchase video games, I would often spend time at my friends’ houses to play theirs. Eventually, my friends felt that I was only using them for their video games and severed their relationship with me.
Numbers are the universal metric of achievement in RPGs. Playing RPGs without numbers is like managing the stock market without money.
If you never intend to replay Bravely Default, you’re probably better off saving your money. The guide is detailed, but it doesn’t come with any particularly artsy bonuses. It’s more of a colorful dictionary.
Maybe they forgot to input a 1 before that 3.
Dude, man. FFXII voiceover is Shakespeare. You diss FFXII voiceover, you diss every drunken bard in Stratford-upon-Avon. If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved... FFXII as much as I do.
I didn’t buy it, but that does sound pretty bad!
While they decreased in number, they didn’t necessarily degrade in quality. Strategy guides for Star Ocean 3 (2004), Final Fantasy XII (2006), and Bravely Default (2013) are all excellent. In particular, the ones for Star Ocean 3 and Bravely Default reveal even minutiae that usually cannot be learned without ROM…
I’ve been seeing 課金 here and there ever since picking up Japanese games, and it always struck me as odd. In usage, it is equivalent to the English “DLC,” but the word itself makes no reference to downloading nor software. Japanese dictionaries make no mention of these things either. In fact, the word sounds like it…
So it’s okay to treat people like dicks as long as they’re invaders? The invader even had the decency to bow, suggesting that he was requesting a duel.
I needed this technology when playing split-screen FPS with my friends back in the day. Screen-lookin’ bastards.
I notice that SE is being a lot more candid about its development this time around. XV’s director, Tabata, is really working his pants off for the press, providing tech demos and handling feedback. In comparison, after XIII was first announced in 2006, XIII dropped off the radar until its demo was released three years…
8.0 is ‘ate, my friend.
But I liked Squall. :(
Criticising design choices with Earth logic is a vain effort.