
I do not agree with Squenix querying players about each character’s personality. Characters should not be designed to appeal to audiences; they should be designed to fuel the plot. For example, Joffrey of Game of Thrones is depicted as a grade-A asshole to the point that, according to George R. R. Martin, some people

So the gameplay is mindless crap, but you’re willing to put up with it... on PC for the superior framerate. At least you got your priorities straight.

It’s like Eastern Canada overfishing cod, or Europe overfishing sole. In spite of these grim realities, you still see cod and sole in Western grocery stores just about everywhere. Nobody cares because they’re staple foods.

Can’t wait for this to replace Dubstep as the cool kid music.

The key difference here is that wrestling entertainment is fake. Its heels are actually nice people off the stage.

This wouldn’t need to be censored if they depicted her crushing it into a bloody pulp.

What’s not to love? They’re almost as classic as Star Ocean 2’s voice acting.

I hope it comes out to consoles one day. Arcades are great and all, but for somebody like me who is shit at everything, continuous play costs a crazy amount of money. With every loss (i.e., every game) comes the expenditure of an additional ¥200. That’s my lunch money I’m losing. I’d rather buy a sandwich than get my

I think you’re being a little specious here.

In recent memory, this one:

No kidding! I have a Japanese copy. Maybe the difference lies between our respective versions.

That means Naruto even ages faster than me! Or one year in Narutoland is shorter than one year on Earth.

Boruto and Sarada? Neji? All we need is Tsumami and we’ll come full circle.

She bought those pants half off.

I keep seeing this theory tossed around, but have yet to see anybody quote his/her source.

I had subtitles right from the opening scene.

I love you too.

Now playing

I suppose I’m also in the minority. Star Ocean 3 is my favourite installment of the franchise. It has by far the most polished battle system, and its post-game content and item synthesis system are satisfying. It enables you to do so many spiffy things. Like indefinitely juggle one of the most powerful secret bosses

✓ Handsome young male with strong sense of justice
✓ Childhood friend doubling as romantic love interest
✓ Loli
✓ Big booby lady (no match for Myuria, though)

Did you tell anyone you were playing Star Ocean 4 around that time? Somebody might have thought you make bad decisions and decided to steal your PS3 to save you from yourself.