
I want this game so I can fill my social life.

I think one needs to experience a life of chronic physical pain to know where he is coming from. A little empathy is not too much to ask.

Japanese use cash like crazy. 100¥ and even 500¥ notes would wear out so fast.

「読書活動に親しみましょう」"Let's get friendly with a reading lifestyle"

Right now, public reaction in Taiwan is negative. People don't like the new regulations. Some see the merit, some see it as the government overstepping its boundaries. The good thing right now is that there's no real way to enforce this. In the news video, the first woman interviewed complains that the new regulation

As part of turning 30, I'm spending this coming weekend in Las Vegas with my brother. I'm already drinking water to prevent a hangover, and I haven't had a drop of alcohol yet. The moment I've returned to Chicago, I'm headed going home, grabbing a bigger bag bag, looping back to the airport, and catching an evening

Somebody's salty!

He certainly does change, even if that change is called enhancement.

In FFXV, every day is Halloween, and she's dressed up as Sexy Mechanic. I see nothing wrong.

Now playing

A modest request: Customizable radio in the FFXV car. I want to drive around town blaring Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.

Oh come on. That's some old-man logic right there. We haven't even read the story yet. You're forming an opinion based on their appearance and a few seconds of footage.


I bought that Hori stick, too. It's both PS3 and PS4 compatible, so I recommend it to fighting-game fans who don't yet own a PS4, but plan to in the future.

I believe EVO bans wireless controllers to prevent players from haphazardly synchronizing those controllers to previously-used consoles. There are dozens of rigs on the tournament floor and entrants are constantly moving between them. Accidentally synchronizing with a console on the other side of the room makes for

Grind until you die for no good reason? So basically it's a life simulator, huh.

The best part is watching how their faces light up.

First thing I thought about when I read "face" and "hack":

Om nom nom

Dunno about you, but I and many others complained about Diablo 3's loot system back in the day. It was (and maybe still is?) an elaborate junk sorting simulator.