On the flipside, pasty white anybodies who see the sunlight every day look that way from their mid 30s.
On the flipside, pasty white anybodies who see the sunlight every day look that way from their mid 30s.
Oh, sorry. My brain read the sentence as "reticle getting moved up when shooting." ... Guess I should've watched the video.
"Flinch," or the penalty of your aiming reticle getting moved up when shot, has long been a controversial feature in the Halo games. But that flinch animation that players have been noticing in Halo 5's beta will soon be removed, according to 343's Josh Holmes.
It's about as precise as saying "If I was working at Microsoft/Sony, I would do a thing with a thing."
What people hate about Chrono Cross is the title. Most criticism of Chrono Cross are in the form of comparisons to Chrono Trigger, specifically what Trigger has that Cross doesn't.
I'm with her on that one. I'm from a family of seven. One Christmas, I got a cotton quilt for my bed and a few odd pieces of candy.
Tis the season to be materialistic. Here's everything I got:
It's the one where microphones were mashed right up to the voice actors' mouths. Every breath and sigh were distinctly audible.
Hey man, Final Fantasy XII was a gem in the world of JRPG English dubs. Alexander O. Smith and Joseph Reeder did a bang-up job fitting English and its various dialects into the Japanese cadence of cutscenes.
It would be pretty bold to assume that they haven't thought about magic at all by this point. In project design, you lay out everything on paper before beginning, modularize it into elements, then contract each element to China work on each element one at a time. Magic seems to be one of those modules that will be…
I'm not sure, myself. There's got to be some kind of story behind it.
It's not a shortage. US labour responsible for trans-Pacific shipment wants higher salaries. Or something.
Nothing I heard in this video surprised me. Fundamentalist Christians say the damnedest things.
I hardly doubt this is representative of the final product. Character model lighting looks unfinished, and the GUI is hideous. They just threw together what they had for Capcom Cup.
Is this the thread where we talk about crying... uh, in videogames?
Melon bread is as healthy as any other white bread: It's high in calories and leaves you feeling hungry. Your average bun of melon bread has around 300~400 kcal, 10~20 g of fat, and not much else. It's okay once in awhile, but it's definitely not an everyday snack item. (That being said, I love melon bread and eat a…