
When a young girl’s cellphone is stolen by a little white rabbit—think Alice in Wonderland—she chases him to get it back. However, her pursuit means she must fight her way through countless bugs, frogs, and other disgusting things. Luckily, she is quite efficient when it comes to beating things with a stick.

Most likely. By the sound of it, these kinds of replays record not footage, but player input, which tremendously cuts down on file size. Replays are played out in-engine using the recorded input. As soon as the engine changes, the player input and engine desync.

On the contrary, I think about the creator's mental state all the time. You can't write if you can't relate. Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate, and my time is a piece of wax falling on a termite whose choking on the splinters.

Fizziks — because bring back Darksiders please.

I agree. The women are all more or less human (save for the blue-skinned one, which is the comic book world's laziest way to make somebody feel "exotic" while maintaining human aesthetics.) But the men being diverse? All one of them? I went through this Kotaku post and counted:

Better than having to pay somebody to even talk to you, I suppose.

One of Mika Hakkinen's clones in training, I presume?

Ah, I see. Guess I'll have to bite my lower lip and wear sunglasses elsewhere.

Preference for greasy foods is an acquired taste, and one acquired by many.

How odd. The author claims to do research on McDonald's Diet Coke and doesn't even bother to perform a blind taste test.

Smart characters and well thought-out world? Is it as good as Code Geass? Are there gratuitous amounts of butt shots?

They sell disembodied heads there?

Is ordering figures internationally possible? I always worry whether anime/manga merchandise will be seized by customs officers, our cultural guardians. A $100 hit to the wallet is never appealing.

This banner is discriminatory to tortoises. Tortoises are not that slow.

Everyone's opinion is equally worthwhile to me. Thanks for providing your input.

Haha. If a gay person complimented me, I'd be pretty flattered.

Concerning the reference video, are catcalls of that frequency endemic to New York, or is it that bad everywhere? I ask as a male who has only received attention from people who are looking for a fight.

I think I would have a shot at winning this competition. Only three hours? I've been spaced out since 2011.

It chose me, too.