
To escape all of my life's problems. Pretending I'm someone I'm not is the only way I can get through the day.

Hunh. I can't remember clearly, myself. Going up an elevator wouldn't make sense, either, though. There should be no elevator in the first place. I think the reason why From Software put it in is to disguise a loading screen.

He picks a lot of nits, but there's one nit I can agree with: the in-game world is logically inconsistent. Notable examples include:

I thought the weather was controlled by a Russian weather machine. They might have decommissioned it after the Cold War, though.

They can make lots'a spaghetti.

They won a glorified dinner plate.

What is that from?

As said before, Daigo is considered a fighting game god for having won many tournaments. He finished in Top 8 in Street Fighter 4 at every Evo since 2009. He even finished 1st in 2009 and 2010. This year, however, he finished a very distant 48th, and he was eliminated by opponents who barely play Street Fighter

Do the Bacon Mac and Cheese Doritos also give you heartburn?

Don't feel so bad. The only way I'd get a date is if the person is comatose.

If that seems overwhelming, and honestly, it kind of does, there is a smaller anikon in Yamagata. Above you can see a photo from a previous event! The upcoming anikon in Yamagata kicks off on August 3 and has spots for 50 men and 50 women. Like the other events, participants must buy tickets to attend. And yes, the

There's a weird split in the presentation of the game. The spoken, animated cutscenes are pretty nice (even by 2014 standards), with detailed facial models and some of the best voice acting you'll hear in a video game (Sega gets famous Japanese actors in to play roles). Outside of this, though, you'd be forgiven for

The moment I set foot in there, my eyes and mucous membranes would spontaneously combust from all the cat dander. And I'd have to pay ¥1500 to experience it!

The moment I set foot in there, my eyes and mucous membranes would spontaneously combust from all the cat dander. And I'd have to pay ¥1500 to experience it!

Oh, whoops. I thought it showed the locations of people who are participating in EVO 2014, due to the time of the year and all.

Not a single player north of Tokyo? Touhoku and Hokkaido aren't that sparsely populated.

Inorite. It looks like they made it out of a hallway.

I give up on RPG Maker after admitting that its bundled music, artwork, and animations do not fit the scope of my plot. I can scour the interet for animation templates and eke out a semi-decent attack animation, but there's no way in hell I am able to compose my own music and draw my own artwork.

There comes a time when you have to admit that you've become an old fart :(

I am amazed at how "Idol" is becoming a genre. From the barren land of vapid tropes, the 2000s blessed us with the "Moe" and "Harem" genres; now the 2010s is looking to bless us with the "Idol" genre.