
Ever wonder what the bottom of a police officer's show looks like? BAM! There it is.

Yeah. The bigger the production is, the more money it will need to pull in to break even. In order for AAA movies and games to become artsy and still break even, the majority needs to start embracing artsy things. I don't think that will ever happen.

Did somebody say kabe don?

They're evolving, all right, but the point of his rant is that they're evolving in the wrong way. He briefly touched upon it near the beginning of the video: The games industry has been drawing from the cinema industry in order to appeal to a wider demographics and make more money. This means they're pulling content

She's going to return it to the prop manager after the photoshoot is over.

What is that black couch? People referred to it in a photoshop contest a few weeks ago. Is it like that pool?

I don't agree. Having people speak in various dialects and accents enriches the in-game universe. Final Fantasy XII, which I regard as the most competently localized Final Fantasy of the series, used various British accents and slang to create a sense of ethnic diversity among Ivalice's inhabitants.

Comiket doujinshi back in high school, mainly.

I often do this pose even outside photographs. It's done to hide my face so people don't look at me. Nothing weird about it!

I was hoping they'd speedrun the iOS version.

Was the teacher in attendance at this club, or were you talking about her amongst yourselves?

巨根 (kyokon) is slang for "giant penis." Not often do students scribble such slang on final examination papers.

I think it looks rather stylish. It's like he's deforming his own face with speed.

Hah. On a kanji test, I was required to write the second kanji of 根拠. 「拠」 didn't come to mind, so I wrote the only kanji I could think of with the same reading: 「巨」. Rearranged, the word means something much different than 根拠. I will need to apologise to the teacher if I ever meet her again.

In that case, it would sound less biased if you wrote "he was discovered to not be a target of the drugging." Of course, we expect the police to question him, and hopefully everyone else who was present at the party.

That's purely circumstantial. All the two photos show is that he's a member of the club. Whether he's responsible, or partly responsible, for this apparent drugging remains to be seen.

Well, you seem pretty keen to critique Japan's English. How is your Japanese?

Not to mention, most states haven't even legalized gay marriage, and probably won't for many years to come. I would like to think that equal civil rights for all citizens is to be expected, but conventions die hard, no matter how antiquated.

On Kotaku, reader and author alike regularly lambaste political pundits like Glenn Beck for creating false connections between video game violence and real life violence. Until you clarify why pornography should be handled with a different set of gloves, your comment won't be very convincing.

Hah. I can relate. My father tried to shame me over illustrated desktop wallpapers when I was living at home, yet he gives women a passing glance when driving around the city. At that age, he's so entrenched in his own opinions that he cannot accept differences.