
Sony is a lot bigger than its computer entertainment unit. If Sony is going to downsize any of its units, it will likely be video.

I asked the same question several months ago, and have since watched one anime several people recommended: Shin Sekai Yori. The series is a thought experiment about how humanity would avoid self-destruction if people had telekinetic powers. It's heavy on exposition, but interesting nonetheless.

I see they're drawing inspiration from Hollywood for their titles. I'll skip this one and wait for "Tome Raider Resurrection." Or perhaps "Tomb Raider: Nemesis."

Another RPG with customization and depth beset by reliance on AI partners. Even in this preview I already spot a problem: the AI being too dumb enough to come over and revive the fallen protagonist in combat.

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So that's what the Kings of Leon were singing about.

Volkswagen has such good commercials. That's a classic.

If I had those many potato chips, I'd start handing them out to random people on the street. I would become the potato-chip Jesus.

SleepyCat is right. No matter how fortuitous your metabolism is, it won't last forever. It is best to start making healthy choices ahead of time. That way you won't run into problems later in life.

Finally. A use for facecams in livestreams.

In the modified one, she looks like she's floating over a sea of bubbly urine. Or beer. Nah, probably urine.

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Thongs. Booze. Many, many stabbings. Drum solos. How the hell is this game on the Wii U?

Yahtzee will be so happy.

Ancient Dragon's AI can be exploited. Start the battle by jogging toward it and slightly to its right. It will breath fire. Keep right and plant your face (and your weapon of choice) in between the two innermost toes of its hind leg. Continue until it attempts to stomp you. When it does, roll inward toward its

I punch myself in the face every day. This way, I will have no regrets ten years from now.

Oh damn. I didn't know we are past the year 180,000 AD. I knew I overslept last night, but I didn't think I was asleep for that long.

Awesome. The next time I walk into a cafe, I can ask the waiter "Does your cafe do cola?"

I thought he was on his way to a rock show. You sure he's not on his way to a rock show? Look at how happy he is.

But why vaginas? Rokudenashiko's art aims to breakdown taboos about female gentilia in Japan. Typically, female privates are discreetly referred to as "asako" ("down there"), while the more descriptive "manko" ("pussy") is seen as far more vulgar.

Japanese media cites people's age all the time. I'm no cultural scholar, but I think it's originally done to establish seniority. Now it's done out of habit.