He's working out.
He's working out.
Well, highbrow doesn't necessarily mean "good." It means it appeals to loftier, subtler sensibilities. I'd consider opera highbrow: You have to look past its bonkers storylines and stiff acting and appreciate its history and fusion of the live arts. Highbrow fiction would be something like a Robert Heinlein novel,…
She'll be assenting to absurd demands?
Or Steins Gate, for that matter. We're talking about hentai shinshi, maid cafes, cosplay, and tsundere here.
Welp. I can go to bed tonight knowing I can play Candy Crush better than cats.
It's good for business!
These people are too well-groomed for college students. Where is the overworked engineering student with bags under his eyes?
To put some perspective on this, the money being spent on Destiny is more than twice the amount EA reportedly spent on Star Wars: The Old Republic and a little less than double the $265,000,000 Rockstar paid to get GTA V made. The Reuters article cites analysts saying that Destiny will have to sell 15-16 million…
The author comes so close to explaining the heart of challenge, but keeps backing away. The purpose of challenging games comes from the popular idiom "adversity breeds excellence." In other words, by being put under stress, we learn to show patience, concentrate, adapt, and ultimately solve problems.
I don't believe that is strictly true. For example, I don't believe that people who openly oppose murder and war do so because they're secretly harbouring murderous intent.
That's the sound of around 2% of a country's total power output being used.
But could Bungie ever publish a Destiny game with another publisher?
Destiny is being published by Activision, though. That means Activision owns the IP. Bungie will not be able to make a sequel to Destiny with another publisher unless Activision approves — a practise which rarely, if ever, happens.
That is a good point. It was great especially for its time. And Kefka, though he lacked depth, was certainly entertaining.
72. Vaan
Methinks what people love about FFVI is everything other than the plot. Its soundtrack is one of the best the series has to offer, as well as its steam-punk art direction. It's when fans get swept away by these things that they convince themselves that its plot and characters are also superior.
62. Squall
I can no longer read 10/10 in any other way than this:
That Charizard card was so popular back in the day. Hobby shops were selling it for 20 dollars. 20 whole dollars! For one card! I'd have to wait until a birthday or Christmas to afford that kind of item.