
The difference isn't in Sephiroth's and Kefka's goals. It is in their development. The player first learns about Sephiroth when Cloud and co. find his sword sticking out of the back of President Shinra. From this, you learn that Sephiroth is feared throughout the lands as a super soldier. Then, you're treated to a

Props to anyone who can play with 3D on. The second I turn 3D on, everything goes blurry for me. Even at the optimal position, only the center of the screen is in focus; the edges are still blurry. Then having to constantly adjust my focus between the 3D top screen and 2D bottom screen gives me headaches.

The comparison to slaying demons in high school is apt, though.

You think so? I thought Yukari was prickly and unapproachable throughout the entire story due to her father issues. She was always verbally bullying Junpei. She didn't seem popular and sociable at all. The comparison is indeed tenuous, though.

I thought players pay for the game, as well. At least that's what advertisements indicated ~10 years ago.

It seems as though this whole thing might have been inspired by Domino's Hatsune Miku campaign in Japan. Perhaps!

Like World of Warcraft.

I can't speak for everyone, but my family watches a lot of Curling and Figure Skating, too. I guess it's because we're a "winter country," though.

Large eyes are a pretty universal beauty trait. They represent openness. Disney's been drawing them big since the 1930s.

One of the best plot synopses I've read in awhile.

Right with you! Having also been raised by a family on a budget, I got only two video games per year: one on my birthday, and one on Christmas. Every one had to count, so I always went with the guaranteed hits (e.g., Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire).

So, basically, it's the New York Rush Hour mod.

Dude, spoilers.

I don't think he's defending him. He's saying that treating humans like shit is counter-productive, in general. Foster a culture of vengeance, and yeah, it certainly will feel unsettling living next to convicts once they're released.

1% copper sounds like a police officer with a really large salary.

Yeah. It's seen from time to time. Other people with curious professional names are Suda 51 (Suda Goichi, CEO of Grasshopper Manufacture) and Joe Hisaishi (Fujisawa Mamoru, composer for films).

Nothing like the thrill of committing misdemeanors on a tourist visa.

How can you make a joke like that? What's wrong wit Chu?