Yeah. I meant maximum. Thanks for the correction.
Yeah. I meant minimum. Thanks for the correction.
I wonder if math has found the maximum number of spins required to solve a Rubik's cube.
You said that China has around 1.93 billion acres of land like the USA, and that less than half of it is likely being used. I said that a significant fraction is not being used for a reason, so speaking of total land mass is misleading.
Following up on Haloman's points, developing all of China's landmass isn't feasible. Its northwest is a desert and its southwest is an arid plateau. These lands cannot sustain populations like eastern China can.
Hey, we are who we are, not where we're from. I had a metis friend in school, and I never looked at him as such. We were Japanophiles.
Buck, Beeds, Bitternose... Those sound like aboriginal names. Saskatchewan has a sizable population of aboriginal people.
I've been foiled! Well then, if you'll excuse me.
I can't tell what is more absurd: (1) Assuming that people complaining about the censorship are pedophiles, or (2) assuming that the characters' age means anything to begin with.
Solo Instrument: Soprano Fucking Saxophone
Oh, wow. Thanks for the recommendations even though this thread is so old.
Because the F&F movies were bad, too.
Bending your arm backwards at the elbow is an unnatural motion.
Not seriously yet. If I get to his age, I most certainly will.
People hide depression for various reasons, one of which being that depression is stigmatized. If he acted gloomy around others, they might lose patience with him or fear that he might snap. In any case, acting miserable tends to put distance between you and others.
I can't stop noticing the guy on the left roll his eyes.
That looks like a dog with long ears and a black nose.
Always happy to be of service.