Anyhow, it was at this point when I became strongly aware of the businessman sitting next to me pretending that he wasn't staring over my shoulder. I quietly shut off the game and spent the rest of the train ride pretending to be asleep.
Anyhow, it was at this point when I became strongly aware of the businessman sitting next to me pretending that he wasn't staring over my shoulder. I quietly shut off the game and spent the rest of the train ride pretending to be asleep.
エネルギー is a loan word of German's "Energie." It's not English.
Not until they replace those giant anti-paparazzi lenses that usurped them.
The sheer length of this document reminds me of the 108 page rebuttal to Mike Stoklasa's Star Wars reviews. Can't fault the author's passion, I guess.
The first and only scene I saw from Parasite Eve was when the entire audience in a theatre spontaneously melted into bloody goo. I was 11 years old at the time. I still haven't forgotten that scene.
Disgaea is the junk food of SRPGs: Expansive maps offering little topographical advantage and requiring minimal positional awareness. Character growth ruled by level- and item-grinding. Combat ruled by overpowering the enemy with numbers and high stats. Think of it like a game of chess with a board that is 10 times…
Xenogears was survived by the line of Xenosaga games, which Namco cut short due to poor sales. The series' development team, MonolithSoft, since became a first-party developer for Nintendo. Suffice it to say that the Xenogears saga is dead.
I see. I think I am one of the only visible foreigners in my ward (west Kyoto). I often see a few in the city centre, but they are almost always tourists.
10:10 外人発見!
On the flipside, Matsuno-san's political stories began in 1993 with Ogre Battle. Ogre Battle predates A Song of Ice and Fire by three years.
I don't recall being filmed for this when I was 12 years old. What's going on?
I spent New Year's asleep on my futon. I win.
Because some people don't project their own identity into their avatar. Playing as a female in GTA is no different than as Chell in Portal or Shion in Xenosaga.
At some point during your meal, does a wooden crossbeam collapse and hit you in the face?
Those aren't played to chorus and pipe organ, though, are they?
Holy man. That's a long list! It's like they threw together every plot point from every JRPG and called them all tropes regardless of their frequency.
Hockey's got that Street Fighter x Tekken problem: Rounds always time out before the KO.
Negative Nancy here.
I was thinking: They aren't shifting genres that far, are they? Leon Kennedy and cars just don't mix. The guy trashes every police cruiser he gets into.