
Super Mario Bros, Chrono Trigger, and Ocarina of Time are timeless? They are landmark titles, to be sure, but I wouldn't say they are timeless. In order to have that property, they must continue to be played by all generations — both the old and new — like chess or martial arts. I don't think many elementary school

I got bills from my utility companies. Does that count?

I first read it as 11.5. I've been away from the series for awhile, but did they really make it that far?

Grew up in Mid-Western Canada. Heavily influenced by British programming and am often mistaken as British as a result. Apparently, this lands me in the Silicon valley. Most distinctive answer was "I have no idea what a drive-through liquor store is." Seriously. What the hell is a drive-through liquor store?

I like the part where he says ___.

I question the author's figure of "more than 100 million units in use" in the USA. According to VGChartz (whose methodology I cannot account for and thus have little faith in, but nevertheless), combined shipments of PS3s and XB360s in all of North America is around 74 million. To claim how many consoles are "in

It says in the article.

Would you recommend this game to people who are already physically ill and depressed? Honest question!

It should have the same meaning. It can also mean "floor."

I don't know. It doesn't make sense.

So that means she's throwing up in her own stomach.

Wow. That's unusual. It's the scene in episode 2 where two scientists chase after Spike who chases after a thief who chases after Ein.

Now playing

Animators don't bother animating the arms because Cowboy Bebop already did it, and it is a waste of time trying to top Cowboy Bebop.

True. The mechanic is used in option selects, but "Proximity Guard" makes no reference to cancelled recovery frames. There are already traditional, hit-stun option selects that incorporate guards. It's the cancelling of recovery frames that makes this option select possible. To describe this class of option

From my experience, the FGC is nearly as bad at explaining terms as they are at christening them.

I started replaying Breath of Fire 4 one week ago. It is phenomenal how much better BoF4 tells a story than FFXIII.

Staying offline is easy if you have a life offline. For a small fraction of us, the internet is our only portal to human contact.

It's always nice to see film crews who are still willing to build props of this scale. If Michael Bay or George Lucas had their hands on this, that robot would be full CGI. No question.

Don't you mean Tomb Raider was... raided?