
No idea. This award show seems to be not much more than a commercial vehicle for the network. I remember catching a glimpse of the show in 2003, and they kept showing scenes from DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball — not because it was a meritorious game, but because it had boobs, which (presumably) drew in the views.

He grew up in a military academy, not a mercenary group. It hasn't been that long, has it?

But ヴァニラ actually means "vanilla." For reference, Vanilla Ice's name is transcripted as ヴァニラ・アイス.

How seriously Japanese take food never fails to amaze me. Their dishes beat the hell out of my boiled broccoli and pan-fried fish abominations.

Togusa without a mullet is like Ishikawa without a beard. Cutting it would be sacrilege!

Yours is the second independent recommendation of Shin Sekai Yori. I read its premise before and found it interesting, but forgot about it. I'll definitely put it on my To-Watch list.

I've already seen Azumanga Daioh, but man, that series was awesome. One if its characters, Chie-chan, popularised the child-prodigy-in-high-school trope as far as I can tell.

Time of Eve sounds interesting. The android theme reminds me of Chobits, a series which takes me back ten years — the springtime of my youth.

Psycho-Pass was a pretty good series. It raised legitimate questions about surveillance societies. However, I felt that its latter-half — where it shifted focus to the antagonist — was fairly weak. As for Gurren Lagann, it was well-produced and entertaining.

Can somebody recommend an anime series (recent or otherwise) for a fan of 90s/early 2000s, character-driven anime such as Trigun, Death Note, and Code Geass? The fewer anime tropes (moe, tsundere, harem, etc.) there are, the better. Drama is preferred over action, although action is acceptable if it develops the

Most of the factoids were fairly innocuous. The last one, however, was stupid. The moment you write something hypothetical like "If X is Y, then Z," then Z is of no relevance. If all sold PSX's sold for $299, then you could give everyone on Earth $1.70? Why $299 and $1.70? Why not $599 and $3.40? Why money at

A former English teacher of mine chased after a shoplifter once. He got a faceful of pliers for his trouble. The pliers cut his face and knocked out a few teeth.

This discourages the consumption of Canola oil because even though Canola oil has a lot of omega 3, is still has twice the amount of omega 6. You can't lower omega 6 intake and increase omega 3 intake by eating something that has an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of 2:1. The math just doesn't add up.

But then it's all chunky. There are thin parts of liquified jelly and globs of unbroken jelly.

Read the link that I provided that broke down how PUFAs work to their molecular structure, and then goes into great detail explaining why PUFAs in the majority of western diets is a bad thing.

Huge comment incoming! I wish I had a blog or something to write this in, but alas, I will settle for Kotaku comments. Better than Youtube comments, I suppose.

I have concluded that jelly doesn't spread. You must settle by putting a glob in the centre and hoping for the best.

Rapeseed oil is another name for Canola oil, which is chemically treated causing the oil to oxidize easily (making it unstable), does not occur naturally, and also contains a high amount of PUFAs which promotes cell inflammation.