
I find the best way to avoid a hangover is to avoid drinking too much.

I see Microsoft is almost certainly purchasing their parts from third parties, as none of them fit to form. That optical drive, in particular, looks like any old drive you can pick up on Newegg. In fact, the whole thing looks like the inside of your run-of-the-mill PC chassis.

I try not to speak out on the issue of gun control in the US because it's not my problem, but to those who use the argument of "criminals will use guns whether or not guns are controlled," I must say this: You are giving criminals way too much credit.

Considering that a Francis Bacon painting sold for $142 million last week, I'd say $9000 for ten months of work ain't so bad.

It is because SE released installments much more frequently before FFX:

That's true, but I believe they were contracted for only its programming and art design. I doubt they had any creative directorship, given how similarly it played to FFXIII, which was developed exclusively by Square-Enix.

I would like to see anything from Tri-Ace. Even if their scripts are terrible (e.g. Star Ocean 4), their action-oriented battle systems and post-game content are engaging.

In the NA boxart, it is Lightning who is staring us in the face. She's cast over a linear gradient so perfect that grade-school Kid Pix users are smitten with awe.

I love how the video has to explain what it's supposed to be advertising.

Better not use your PS4 as a chair, then. It might tip over the side without a foot.

Why does this argument for PC keep being made? People talk about "performance" like it is the single metric by which to measure a platform's worth. Here are some points people need to keep in mind before throwing around their opinions:

This will make for a fine complement to the fake-crab California roll.

Now playing

All of her costumes look so very thin. It is like she is wearing beautifully coloured rags. Even her armour looks like like it is made of material no thicker than cotton. Pair that with her lanky frame (seriously, her waist is about as thick as her head) and I cannot help but get caught on this every time.

There's nothing wrong with being quiet. Not everyone needs to be extroverted.

I watch Let's Plays all the time because I have no life. Hearing commentary makes me feel like I'm playing with a friend. I watch Game Grumps for the same reason.

Sounds like he's getting over his ex. He's probably destressing.

It's Pikachu!

Rent/mortgage, I would suppose. Maybe food.

Poor duck!