
Activision is releasing CoD every year because they figured out the market. Once you galvanize an IP with a winning formula, don't bother spending money to innovate any further. The dumb masses don't vote with their dollars for innovation. Oh no! They simply want more. This lust for more is the primal urge of the

Death Note reference!

There has been a lot of talk about this dog. Kotaku's review went so far as to list it as a reason for purchasing the game. Fans even lament that the dog gets shot, whist fellow humans are mowed down by the dozen. Is its praise insincere, or are people seriously that big of pet lovers?

Instead of bulletproof vests, the sharks will have laser beams.

Not to mention they calculate it to four significant figures. Their sources must be pretty reliable.

It's like discovery, but the reverse process, and you do it an infinite number of times.

This sounds exactly like "Senjou no Valkyria Duel," another IP that has been dragged through the mud.

That is how I view MOBAs: a one-unit RTS. I believe MOBAs' massive popularity is attributed to their similarity with MMORPG PvP. In MMORPGs, you also control one unit and have access to a limited set of skills. The crucial difference, however, is that MOBAs cut out all the grinding required to develop this unit.

I nearly forgot that game existed!  There was also a similar game featuring tanks that should not have come out much later.

Here's hoping developers/publishers won't region-lock their games. I'd hate to have to pay for a Japanese PS+ account, as well as a NA PS+ account to play with old friends back home.

Monitors sit close to your face, so the higher pixel count is justified. TVs sit across the room, so anything more than 1080p is a waste, especially on sub 40'' screens.

These people never learned to eat with their mouths closed.

We gotta be fair though. The NPC costumes in FFX are pretty bland. Nothing but neutral tones as far as the eye can see.

Reminds me of this. Good ol' basement labs.

He was probably blinded by the camera flash.

It's the ride of your life.

Mine, too! His sombre tone clicks with me.

Male anatomy is a punch line in America. Even hyper-masculine games like Cho Aniki, which feature muscly men in thongs, are played for laughs. Until they start respecting it like female anatomy, they will be unable to interpret it as sexual.

Even the BBC is guilty of jumping to this conclusion:

You can play against yourself. ... Like I do.