
Bulbasaur was my first choice. I loved his electricity resistance.

I do not think the Iron Chef who makes mango sushi would call it "authentic," though. This is like Singaporeans calling Singlish "authentic Queen's English." Let the Queen decide what is and isn't apart of her language.

Is that a Pokemon?

I cannot get over how absurd putting a pair of breasts on an anthropomorphic animal is. Do we need to sexualise our household pets with this decidedly human anatomical feature before we can recognize their gender? Starfox Adventures is another offender.

I hope the 90s never come back.

Where's the option for "I don't have a pulse"?

Can somebody explain the conclusion of FFXIII-2 to me? I ran out of strength putting up with its tangled mess of a story and Serah's cardboard personality, so I cannot finish it. However, I would still like to know how it concludes before considering purchasing Lightning Returns.

Getting hit by Super Nova would inflict a pretty grievous wound.

Activision is reminding everyone to make their next annual Call of Duty purchase in time for the holidays, I see.

Beats me. I'm still trying to figure out who Miley Cyrus is. With all the press she's getting, you'd think she found a cure for cancer or something.

Except ronin were not exclusively oath breakers. Ronin also include samurai whose lord has been dishonoured, killed, and so forth. The ronin's reputation is evaluated by what kind of lord he served under. Westerners, who tend to judge others as individuals, might not comprehend this nuance.

This is Girl Fight, baybee!

Went with B. Gotta love that hat.

Vine is popular? Has the attention spans of internet users really shortened that much?

You got to be shitting me.

Looks like plain old "bad" AI to me.

Its opening resembles GITS Solid State Society's: Camera sweeps in on female protagonist standing on a high place during bad weather. Protagonist removes shades and says something snarky. Camera sweeps away from protagonist. Action scene commences.

Maybe you should redefine your version of "Final Fantasy", then. That's like saying Grand Theft Auto hasn't been Grand Theft Auto since it departed from the bird's eye view of I and II.

I think it's horrible. I hate to see people suffer. Arin looks like he's in genuine pain at the end.

Having zero Latino or South Asian blood in my system, I cannot understand why people eat peppers this hot. Capsaicin, the active compound in peppers, is nothing more than an irritant. They put this stuff in pepper spray to use as a weapon. Eating food that contains it is recreational poisoning!