
I've heard of mutually assured destruction. It was called the Cold War. Maybe we should pass around nuclear armaments to more countries so nobody would dare nuke another.

I'm not so sure. The FGC has plenty of good ambassadors at the professional level: Tokido, Dieminion, PR Balrog, Diego Umejuarez, and so on. Then there are people like Yipes, who trash talk, but are playful about it. In terms of hostility, most of it is seen online from people who don't know how to swallow defeat.

Effective? Look at Hope. Poor kid's going to battle without any armour at all!

Password? Diddy? YEAHHH! Huhuhuh!

You sure the final picture doesn't read 大王? The final stroke of 玉 appears to be missing.

It's not too late to do a 180 on the name, too. There are still a few months, right?

"XO," "X1," and "XONE" are read as "Ex One." A "B" needs to be present to make readers sound out the word "Box" in their heads. Also "X1" and "XO" are already abbreviations for many other things. A quick Google search of either brings up 100m+ matches.

So you're saying it's kind of big?

It's the blue OLEDs that don't age well. Blue photons, with their higher energy, degrade the organic material from which they are emitted. As a result, the screen's color fidelity fades over time. However, judging by the comments here, the blue OLEDs are going strong, so it seems Sony (or whoever supplies the

Who is responsible for blighting humanity with the word "twerk?" The word is evocative of an epileptic seizure.

I find this more attractive than the original.

It is Tepco's responsibility to give status updates about the plant. I doubt the Olympics was a pivotal factor into Tepco's decision to come clean about the water leak.

All it is missing is a padlock on the outside.

Chinese, one of the maps that was ported from TS1. It's one of my favourites, too.

Virus mode is amazing. My friends and I would hole ourselves up in a room with only one entrance. Then, when the AI mob (invariably) breaks through our wall of fire, we'd bail and leave each other for dead.

Unequipping weapons looks silly. Are you supposed to be running around without moving your arms? Will we see opponents run around holding their fists in front of their face?

Just about every character's name was changed between localisations. The only name that wasn't changed was Oliver's, if I remember correctly.

They might as well have been advertising a remote control. The only feature this commercial is advertising is voice control. The majority of the commercial showed off dudebros watching and cheering over football, something they can do just fine without the XBone.

It's a bowl-legged cat. Its feet are touching. Apparently.

Tattoos are permitted privately. I don't think anyone will complain if tattoos are kept covered.