Perhaps not the best of the bunch, but I really like this one. I like Kajiura-san's use of choral in it. It's not an instrument you often hear.
Perhaps not the best of the bunch, but I really like this one. I like Kajiura-san's use of choral in it. It's not an instrument you often hear.
Always loved how the SNES translation has Atma Weapon say "Feeble Creatures. GO." Go where? Go get 'em? But then he starts fighting you, so you can't really go anywhere.
I hardly ever seen anyone use "Anyway" correctly. It's almost always "anyways."
That's absurd! I suppose it would be within my right, then, to dock marks from every game or movie I think shows too much blood, or from every Call of Duty game that glorifies the horrors of war.
I clicked on this article hoping to find (yet another) thread complaining about the depiction of women in games. I was not disappointed.
The materia system is bad on the assumption that the system must be assessed by the individuality of its characters. Individuality notwithstanding, I found the materia system entertaining. I enjoy collecting the things and nurturing them into formidable tools. The battle system consisted of basically three…
Do people actually intentionally urinate in public pools? Growing up, I thought not, but after hearing how many people piss in their own showers, I'm not so sure anymore.
Flames gon' git'cha!
I saw those seats in Kyoudai's main campus cafeteria a few weeks ago. They looked so cramped and poorly lit. I never would have guessed they are actually popular.
Are single people even allowed to rent these rooms out for themselves?
Perfect demonstration of a double-take right there. Full marks.
He didn't begin with "My fellow Americans," so no.
You should feel ashamed of yourself for quoting that curse upon humanity.
The tiny Miku swinging a leek is just too cute. I am reminded of this LBP level:
I'll never understand why you'd wear footwear inside a house. Unless you wear those things exclusively indoors, like slippers, you're just making a mess of your own living space.
Carbs aren't bad unless your diet is also loaded with fat, which it will be if you choose Twinkies over bread. Also, bread has fiber, vitamins, and minerals, unlike Twinkies.
I think it's just the opposite. Watching hardcore players inspires others to invest time in the game. I'm complete trash at fighting games because I have the brain cells of a fish. Seriously, my win-loss ratio seldom exceeds 10%. I rack up 10~20 game losing streaks because I get stomped by just about anybody with…
The single-character narrative will always have its place, as it is the ideal mode for providing an in-depth character study. The first-person narrative is a popular narrative mode in literature for a reason, after all.
Good ol' Happy Set CMs.
Your masculinity has been confirmed. Congratulations!