
Allow me to interject for a moment, but I don't believe you fully understand how Mr. Mini-Wheats described relatable dialogue (at least going by how I understood it.) Relatable dialogue doesn't preclude the possibility for characters to talk about dreams. Dialogue such as Vaan talking about becoming a Sky Pirate,

I also don't like cheese. I find it too pungent. I also don't care for bac- *gets shot*

"One day, the light touched me. I knew what it was. It was God himself. He told me what I had to do."

If it was only hack and slash, then somebody else would complain about how there's no variety.

Hear, hear. I would sweat out the style within minutes of walking around outside. Then my hair would be a soppy, sticky mess for the rest of the day. I think hosts live during the evening hours and work entirely indoors, though.

This is unrelated, but your comment about the player becoming Tidus is apt. That's why I like him in spite of all the criticism he received about his whining. My bond with Tidus really strengthens the ending, too. Together we have to say goodbye to Yuna, yet we are reunited with our once-estranged father on the

Not only is the cloud all natural, it is also carbon-neutral and biodegradable.

The problem with that list is that a lot of those things don't open up until around the halfway point anyway

I can empathise. I once bled under my skin after having blood drawn. My entire forearm went purple and burned like crazy for about ten days. It tingled and was difficult to move, as if its circulation had been cut. It's not pleasant in the slightest.

The developers themselves have said in interviews that they... wanted it to be more like an interactive movie. ... [C]riticizing the lack of exploration and NPC-interactions in a game that doesn't even really try to do either is relatively illogical if you ask me...

The fact that it's almost impossible to explain how it's possible to look at a woman and not be consumed by a sudden urge to use her as a means for sexual gratification is worse, in my opinion.

Have you ever heard of the phrase "This is why we can't have nice things?" I'm going to go on a limb here in saying that most women don't enjoy being objectified. If you're going to excuse men's unwelcome behaviour and place the blame entirely on women by saying that men are victims of their own biology, then guess

Games are all about thriving under a set of restrictions. For example, basketball doesn't arbitrarily limit the number of steps you can take without dribbling the ball for no reason. It makes it more difficult to keep possession of the ball, so extra caution is required.

Agreed. If you:

It sounds reminiscent of Disgaea to me. Might be Tenpei Satou.

That's right! FFXII actually expended the effort to use descriptive words and metaphors, in stark contrast to FFXIII. Compare

If I tried to pull this off when I was 10 years old, my father probably would have killed me. My father grounded me for three months for biking ~8 km across my hometown to buy Pokemon cards... with my own money.

Is that you, Kanye?

The villains of FFXII are Vayne and his accomplice, Cid. Vayne is the big bad, but Cid is the better villain because Cid gets better screen time. I haven't played FFXII in years, and I still remember the scene where Cid walks into Vayne's office while appearing to have a conversation with an imaginary friend. Vayne

I remember playing the Sailor Moon RPG as a boy only to complete the group picture.