Get off my Sea of Tranquility!
Get off my Sea of Tranquility!
True, they are hulking targets that require a good amount of force protection. Their ability to stand off from a war zone and cycle deadly sorties into it over and over has, so far, more than offset their vulnerability size-wise.
Stop poutine on airs.
Cousin Roomba to the rescue!
Dirty solar panels? YA GOTTA CALL NOW!
I like that.
If you're going to be so high-falutin', why not say the world's first musician was a flutomater?
...I heard you like choppers, so I put a chopper under your chopper so you can chopper while you chopper.
Your reaction is understandable, but sometimes our minds cannot see (or we refuse to see) the obvious. Also, think of all the recent college grads who heard, in their commencement address, that they can be whatever they want to be.
Is that a pulled pork sandwich using a Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut as the bun?
Yep, I scraped off those annoying decorations, and now I can see clearly through the rear window.
And what's up with those rear doors on the RAV4 and CRV? They couldn't move the hinges to the left side for the 'Murican market?
Amazing how many people, when using a remote control device, will jerk it towards its host, as if that motion will help deliver the signal.
This looks like a drone strike gone very, very wrong.
Well, it's actually much more than that, of course.*
A long, long time ago when I was a temp working in an administrative office in a musty, upper warren inside Bloomingdale's on 59th Street, I watched an aspiring techie do this very thing between two ancient desktops.
Whatever it's called, I'll take one.