
Said it on Facebook this morning, saw it a lot in the Gawker comments - time to away with internet anonymity. No censorship, just post whatever you want to post with your first and last name next to it, linked to your Facebook account or email address. If you think it's okay to taunt a grieving 25-year-old with

I'm cancelling this week everyone. This week is now over. Everyone please go home and set your alarms for Monday morning.

This is precisely why women are scared of standing up for themselves when being cat called. Not only can harassers go ballistic like this, but they also, usually, cowardly "travel" in large packs.

they just really, really, REALLY wanted to give those girls a compliment. at all costs. true gentlemen, really.

And maybe those guys were just socially awkward. Or even autistic? How dare we creep shame? It's misandrist and disabalist!

But, but, but! Aren't men always telling us that catcallers are doing us a favour and aren't at all dangerous and likely to harm us?

This kinda says everything about the real motivation behind a lot of catcalling, huh?

That's so terrible. This is my point, by the way, every time some guy (generally sexist, but sometimes just clueless) tells me to just yell back or tell men to fuck off when they harass me in the street - you just never know if that guy is the type of guy who will go apeshit. Anyway, I wish this guy a speedy

Yeah. One of my white friends posted something about how people talking about Robin Williams should STFU because Michael Brown was murdered. I didn't feel like arguing with her, but seriously:

Robin Williams saved my life. His character in Good Will Hunting put my own abuse in context that real therapy couldn't. How good of an actor do you have to be to play a therapist and be so convincing that you help someone you've never met?

You know what I think? I think anyone who's never stood and stared suicide in the face should shut the fuck up. I think anyone who hasn't cried themselves to sleep and wake in the morning only to find fresh tears are already falling should sit the fuck down. I think anyone who doesn't understand what it's like to be

I was pleased to hear discussion on NPR of it - they kept calling it a disease, saying that he "died from depression" which is the right way to say it. People do not understand how different depression is from their bad moods or grief they sometimes have.


I think this again highlights what another post from last week was saying about how people just do not understand depression. He was not a 'coward', he was being crushed under a weight so heavy no one can even imagine it unless you have the misfortune to live through it. He couldn't go on anymore despite his fame,

I understand calling out ABC news, TMZ and Fox. But linking to the story above story just gives traffic to an outlet who might not otherwise get so much.

The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

I am laughing uncontrollably at th one on the right. It's like one of those dog costumes with fake arms...

This is my guinea pig Buddy (Rosebud). Wouldn't you say he is also pleasant? Behind him is Andy (Misandry).

I'm probably going to get yelled at for being a woman-hating-woman here, but I just don't understand why every fucking aspect of pregnancy and motherhood has to be celebrated…in public…often sans-clothes. I realize I don't have kids and thus cannot possibly understand the glory that is being a parent and how my own