
It's cute how people who don't consume the flesh and secretions of tortured animals on a daily basis think they're actually winning conversions by being arrogant, self-aggrandizing assholes who are generally insufferable and completely intolerable. You're not fooling me, losers.

This is just the episode of The Simpsons where Homer won't let Bart see the Itchy and Scratchy Movie. This daughter will be thanking her mom when she eventually becomes Chief Justice of the United States. #simpsonsdidit

They shouldn't be able to take one twin and not the other. Thats fucking monstrous. I remember when my uncle was fighting for custody of his two children. The mother, miserable waste of skin that she is, actually tried to get custody of her "normal" daughter without also getting custody of her developmentally

Because the parents' desire for an abortion is in direct conflict with the surrogate's right to bodily autonomy.

Same. You are already dropping a shit ton of money for those procedures, so why not take the money and adopt a child that is already here? Trust that your genes are not that fucking special that the world would collapse if you didn't have a biological kid.

"I treat him like my other children, never think you are not my child and I don't care for you, never."

All the tears.

I agree. The judgment I reserve for the Australian couple isn't that they wanted to abort the fetus, but that they just left him there with someone who doesn't have the resources to take care of his special needs after he was born. They may as well have left him to die in the wilderness for all they knew or cared.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

"regrettably public." Yes, if only he had the presence of mind to rape her in private, then he could have finished, and nobody would have believed her, just like all the rest of us who have been raped, so he wouldn't be in trouble. Fuck this fucking guy and his fucking lawyer.

This is part and parcel of Whoopie's endless path of defending the indefensible. She has similarly contorted logic and decency to defend Chris Brown and Mel Gibson. I have come to the conclusion that she identifies with the abusers in some way. She's just a towering ass and her nonsensical opinions make it

Dear Rich White (Likely Blonde) Hollywood Actress,

The justification people often use is if she chose a revealing costume, obviously she wants the attention. But what people don't get is, of course everyone wants attention for their costume, but attention is not sexual harassment! Cosplayers work hard on these costumes, and the average cosplayer isn't doing it for

Wow, #notallmen in RECORD time.

My dog just died. To say she was my best friend doesn't do justice to the bond we shared. I know dogs don't live forever. I know she was sick. I know she had a great life. I thought I had prepared for her death, I had no idea it would feel like this.

The fact that what you took from this article is "Jezebel feel[ing] the need to tell everyone how they can speak" as opposed to the larger point of generally recognizing the individuality of human beings and not engaging in "benevolent" stereotyping, which can be very insidious, is telling.

I love that he wastes so much time with tough-guy posturing, too. He makes sure we know he'll kick an ass if it touches one of his female possessions, though said possession could save him the trouble by rethinking her tone before it gets that far.

This is a conversation I regret not having with my husband before Cheeze Slice was born. I hadn't really gotten into the feminist perspective as much, and thus went along with the status quo. I still haven't changed my name, though. First, out of laziness, and now out of principle.

I once had a boyfriend who FREAKED OUT at my saying that I would want our kids to have hyphenated names. Like, really flipped his shit. Because he "always thought they would have HIS name because they were HIS kids." Remarkably, this same boyfriend liked to claim that he was a feminist. He was in point of fact a huge

Yes to all of this. I'm keeping my name when I get married this fall, and never considered anything else. My fiance was pragmatic about it — as he said, "If you asked me to take your name, I'd say no, too." We don't know if we're going to have kids yet, but I'm already leaning towards giving any child his last name.

what gets me is that people say her husband "allowed" her to do it. Fuck that noise. It is a decision you should make together, and decide what is best for both of you. But to insinuate that the husband has to have the final say, that he "allows" it? Fuck. If my boyfriend said he "forbid it" for our kid to have my